Welcome to Hive Mind

a learning space for Digital Activists. We help civil society actors to build their digital resilience.


Layers of care. On activism burnout, stress, and tenderness in NGOs work feat. Natalia Sarata (RegenerAkcja)


Rights Through the Screens: Digital Human Rights

If you have a cellphone, you use social or have email, you have surely left your data somewhere, or some platform has had access to it, including your voice. That's why, when you mention or search for shoes, the pages you visit show you lots of advertising and even different options. Or just put your name, number, ID or email in search engines, to realize the information that other people have access to just by clicking on it.

Expert of the week

Filip Jurkiewicz

Term of the week

Media Literacy

Tool of the week

Clues for Fact Checking. How to do fact-checking journalism

Advances in technology have enabled every citizen today to become a means of communication that generates and distributes real information, which in some cases may be false. This guide will explain what disinformation and fact-checking are, its history, and why fact-checking can help combat disinformation.