False narratives
A specialist points out that the most common misinformation among the black population is related to the supposed side effects of Covid-19 vaccines, as well as misconceptions about immunization policies for other diseases.
Alma Preta Jornalismo | 16 min read | Jan 31, 2025
Digital polarization is one of the main challenges in combating online disinformation. This phenomenon, characterized by the division of society into opposing poles that rarely dialogue, turns social networks into arenas of conflict, where the spread of fake news finds fertile ground. Understanding and combating the mechanisms that intensify this polarization is essential to promoting a healthier and more informative digital environment.
Vitor Matheus | 5 min read | Jan 27, 2025
The term disinformation is usually associated with politics. The producers of disinformation are typically political actors or institutions engaged in hybrid warfare through disinformation. In the context of the climate crisis, greenwashing has emerged as a particularly dangerous weapon, with private companies contributing to the crisis as its primary disseminators. So let us consider: Is the ‘green‘ roof on Bratislava's NIVY Center or the ‘green‘ gas from SPP politically motivated disinformation? And why does this require investigation?
Hive Mind | 7 min read | Dec 16, 2024
It is difficult to imagine contemporary right-wing populism–and disinformation campaigns that accompany it–without anti-LGBT narratives. These are truly globalized in scope and come in various localized guises: from the anticolonial homophobia in Central and Western Africa, through Evangelical moral panic focused on healthcare for transgender people in the US, to the Kremlin’s all-time-favorite slogan of failing “gay Europe”. Despite small adjustments made for their diverse targeted audiences, they all seem to share core topics such as falling back to imagined “family values” (i.e. heternormative patriarchy), defending against foreign influence (e.g. secularized Western culture), and finally punishing the hidden enemy within (i.e. demonizing and persecuting LGBT+ communities and their allies).
Hive Mind | 8 min read | Dec 10, 2024
There is a difference between someone spreading misinformation, disinformation, fake news, or conspiracy theories. Before accusing a person of being a hoaxer, it helps if we understand the nature of each term and the boundaries between them. Sometimes, the definition lies in the form itself, but we can (almost) always tell the difference based on the intent. To make these concepts easier to navigate, let’s illustrate them with a (gradually developing) example.
Hive Mind | 9 min read | Nov 27, 2024
It does not take a media expert to realize that disinformation is always one step away from becoming a hate campaign. Cherry-picked or distorted data and biased interpretations, and sheer lies are but a means to an end – manufacturing larger narratives with clear-cut divisions between good and evil, us and them.
Hubert Sobecki | 7 min read | Nov 18, 2024
A look into the Czech discourse with Vojtěch Pecka, a climate analyst at the Association for International Affairs.
VIA Association | 13 min read | Oct 10, 2024
What can we learn about our organization using social media monitoring tools?
Political Capital | 14 min read | Oct 2, 2024
The biggest manipulators, including, for example, Arthur Finkelstein, who developed the Soros campaign, realized important things about the workings of the public, which we need to understand if we want video campaigns aimed at social change.
NIOK | 9 min read | Oct 2, 2024
Unlike misinformation, which is often spread unintentionally, disinformation is characterized by its purposeful intent to deceive. It typically involves a well-thought-out plan that includes the creation of false or misleading content, as well as a strategy for its dissemination to reach and influence a wide audience.
VIA Association | 6 min read | Sep 30, 2024
In an era where disinformation is a persistent threat to democratic societies, understanding its complex and evolving nature is crucial for the resilience of civil society organizations (CSOs) and the wider society.
Hive Mind | 4 min read | Aug 30, 2024
In the second article of a series on radicalization in Poland, Katarzyna Fereniec describes how disinformation fuels radicalization and erodes communication (both online and offline).
Hive Mind | 9 min read | Jul 30, 2024
The message that the EU is useless for Moldova has been perpetuated for ten years, in all electoral periods: be it the general local, parliamentary or presidential elections, after Chișinău signed the Association Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union. This autumn, when Moldovans choose their future country president, they will also decide the future of their country’s alliances: with the East or with the West.
Lilia Cravcenco-Zaharia | 5 min read | Jul 30, 2024
One of the disinformation frontlines concerns food and its production. Its aim is to spread fabrications through these topics to support the Kremlin's “traditional” long-term disinformation narratives. These narratives are largely about the decadent West disregarding traditional values, the upcoming catastrophe, which is always around the corner, but never actually happens and caring more about the LGBTQ+ community than about the so-called traditional families.
Hive Mind | 4 min read | Jun 25, 2024
Disinformation can spread like fire in today's digital age. To mitigate the threat, the TechSoup Guide on Digital Tools for Countering Disinformation equips activists and CSOs with a range of digital tools to identify, analyze, and counter disinformation effectively.
Hive Mind | 1 min read | Jun 4, 2024
A character assassin does not walk around with a knife or a gun, nor does he sneak around, but kicks down the door and attacks your honour and reputation, trying to destroy it at all costs. The end justifies the means. In fact, he doesn't work alone, but in a criminal organization. So he has many faces.
NIOK | 19 min read | Jun 3, 2024
There is an interesting trend in the alternative media ecosystem to claim that journalists, academics, and media analysts that expose false narratives are just attacking valid opinions, labelling them misinformation, disinformation or propaganda to discredit them. Ironically, this belief is the foundation of several false narratives used to attack mainstream media and promote themselves.
Ciprian Cucu | 5 min read | May 23, 2024
Climate change is a global challenge that affects the lives of every citizen on Earth. This impact will become increasingly visible and more severe as global temperatures increase. Scientists say we need to act now. Unfortunately, disinformation prevents us from taking serious steps and continues to cast doubt on this issue. How can we counteract it?
Justyna Ignaszak | 8 min read | May 22, 2024