False narratives


  • Keywords:
  • Countering Disinformation
  • Media Literacy
  • Digital Security
  • Disinformation
  • Fact-checking
  • Resilience
  • Open Data
  • Digital Activism
  • False narratives
  • OSINT (open-source intelligence)
  • Organizational resilience
  • Languages:
  • English
  • English
Disinformation can spread like fire in today's digital age. To mitigate the threat, the TechSoup Guide on Digital Tools for Countering Disinformation equips activists and CSOs with a range of digital tools to identify, analyze, and counter disinformation effectively.The rapid spread of disinformation threatens societies worldwide. This free-of-charge guide is tailored for activists and CSOs, providing practical knowledge and tools, to navigate and combat digital falsehoods. Whether you're a novice or an expert in countering disinformation, the guide offers valuable insights and step-by-step instructions for everyone.Why is it worth using the Guide on Digital Tools for Countering Disinformation?Head to the guide to get:Comprehensive Tool Overview: Detailed descriptions of tools across various categories, such as social media monitoring, image and video analysis, or cybersecurity.Practical Usage Examples: Real-world scenarios demonstrating how to leverage these tools effectively.User-Friendly Guidance: Step-by-step instructions to ensure tools are accessible to all skill levels.Expert Recommendations: Curated selection based on relevance, effectiveness, and practicality, prepared by TechSoup Experts and Partners.✅🔗 See it for yourself! Dive into the guide and arm yourself with knowledge to promote and protect truth, and accuracy in the digital information space! Download the Guide here!


Food – Disinformation Topic of Opportunity in N. Macedonia

One of the disinformation frontlines concerns food and its production. Its aim is to spread fabrications through these topics to support the Kremlin's “traditional” long-term disinformation narratives. These narratives are largely about the decadent West disregarding traditional values, the upcoming catastrophe, which is always around the corner, but never actually happens and caring more about the LGBTQ+ community than about the so-called traditional families.

Hive Mind | 4 min read | Jun 25, 2024

NIOK | 4 min read | Jun 4, 2024

Countering Disinformation: Your Essential Digital Tools Guide

Disinformation can spread like fire in today's digital age. To mitigate the threat, the TechSoup Guide on Digital Tools for Countering Disinformation equips activists and CSOs with a range of digital tools to identify, analyze, and counter disinformation effectively.

Hive Mind | 1 min read | Jun 4, 2024

Practical Tips from the Helsinki Commission for Civilian Targets of Character Assassination

A character assassin does not walk around with a knife or a gun, nor does he sneak around, but kicks down the door and attacks your honour and reputation, trying to destroy it at all costs. The end justifies the means. In fact, he doesn't work alone, but in a criminal organization. So he has many faces.

NIOK | 19 min read | Jun 3, 2024

Subtle Disinformation: True Facts and Manipulation

There is an interesting trend in the alternative media ecosystem to claim that journalists, academics, and media analysts that expose false narratives are just attacking valid opinions, labelling them misinformation, disinformation or propaganda to discredit them. Ironically, this belief is the foundation of several false narratives used to attack mainstream media and promote themselves.

Ciprian Cucu | 5 min read | May 23, 2024

Media Literacy as a Fundamental Instrument in Combating Climate Disinformation

Climate change is a global challenge that affects the lives of every citizen on Earth. This impact will become increasingly visible and more severe as global temperatures increase. Scientists say we need to act now. Unfortunately, disinformation prevents us from taking serious steps and continues to cast doubt on this issue. How can we counteract it?

Justyna Ignaszak | 8 min read | May 22, 2024