Hate speech


  • Keywords:
  • Elections
  • Hate speech
  • Communication
  • Media monitoring
  • Languages:
  • polski
  • English
Global Voices is an international, multilingual community of writers, translators and human rights activists. Together, it leverages the power of the Internet to tell stories that build understanding across borders. How is this done? Report: Its multilingual newsroom team reports on people whose voices and experiences rarely appear in mainstream media. Translate: Its Lingua volunteers make stories available in dozens of languages to ensure that language is not a barrier to understanding. Defend: The Advox team advocates for free speech online, paying special attention to legal, technical and physical threats to people using the Internet to speak out in the public interest. Empower: Rising Voices provides training and mentorship to local underrepresented communities who want to tell their own stories using participatory media tools.
  • Keywords:
  • Countering Disinformation
  • Media Literacy
  • Fact-checking
  • Digital well-being
  • Hate speech
  • Media monitoring
  • Languages:
  • Македонски
The manual serves as key educational material for strengthening the capacities of civil society organisations, media and the wider circle of citizens to face media manipulation.
  • Keywords:
  • Media Literacy
  • Digital well-being
  • Hate speech
  • Languages:
  • Македонски
The Safe on the Internet website and CRISP (Children's Rights on the Internet - Safe and Protected)! were created to contribute to greater safety and protection of children's rights and privacy on the Internet. The site is part of the project Protection and safety of children and their rights on the Internet (or CRISP for short), which was implemented by the Metamorphosis Foundation using financial support from the European Union. This website contains a wealth of useful information for children and teenagers, their parents and teachers. It includes tips and guidelines for the safe enjoyment of the Internet, general information about the Internet as a medium, the opportunities it offers, the dangers it brings and ways to protect yourself from them. The contents of this website are adapted to users of different levels (from those who have minimal knowledge of the Internet to those who are regular users) as well as to different age categories (primary school children, teenagers and adults).


Eldorado of free speech? Disinformation, hoaxes and hate on the internet

We have become accustomed to technologies advancing much faster than the social rules that govern their use. This applies not only to laws but also to commonly accepted ‘good manners’. With the widespread adoption of the Internet and, in particular, social networks, questions have arisen about what is permissible and what is not, what is polite and what is inappropriate, and even what is illegal.

Hive Mind | 12 min read | Jan 7, 2025

Apathy, Anger, Pride, and Nuance. Combating the Anti-LGBT+ Hate Campaign in Poland

It is difficult to imagine contemporary right-wing populism–and disinformation campaigns that accompany it–without anti-LGBT narratives. These are truly globalized in scope and come in various localized guises: from the anticolonial homophobia in Central and Western Africa, through Evangelical moral panic focused on healthcare for transgender people in the US, to the Kremlin’s all-time-favorite slogan of failing “gay Europe”. Despite small adjustments made for their diverse targeted audiences, they all seem to share core topics such as falling back to imagined “family values” (i.e. heternormative patriarchy), defending against foreign influence (e.g. secularized Western culture), and finally punishing the hidden enemy within (i.e. demonizing and persecuting LGBT+ communities and their allies).

Hive Mind | 8 min read | Dec 10, 2024

“They talked about people like you on the evening news.” Pulling through hate campaigns when you are the target

It does not take a media expert to realize that disinformation is always one step away from becoming a hate campaign. Cherry-picked or distorted data and biased interpretations, and sheer lies are but a means to an end – manufacturing larger narratives with clear-cut divisions between good and evil, us and them.

Hubert Sobecki | 7 min read | Nov 18, 2024

Moderating Discussions on Social Media in Response to Hate and Disinformation

To moderate, or not to moderate - who can answer me... Is it better to respond to disinformation spread in the online space, or is it better to let it be? Will I anger people who follow me more if I delete some comments from the discussion, or if people come into contact with hate and lies on my profile? Is there a right to express any opinion, or is it more the case that hate is not an opinion and does not belong in the public space? How do we choose which content is harmful? What steps can we take? And do we have to do it all ourselves?

Hive Mind | 14 min read | Nov 7, 2024

"Gender Ideology" as a Tool of Disinformation in Romania

Anti-homosexuality campaigns are common in post-communist Romania. What could only be portrayed under communism as capitalist decadence or imported immorality, appeared in the mid-1990s at the epicenter of the public sphere. The powerful comeback of the Orthodox Church, after decades of cohabitation with the totalitarian communist regime, explains the vigor and political spread of public campaigns aimed at perpetuating legislation criminalizing homosexuality.

Hive Mind | 7 min read | Oct 16, 2024

How Can You Boost the Traffic with Good Search Terms?

Tips and tools for SEO and website analysis.

NIOK | 14 min read | Jun 21, 2024

Romani people and disinformation: the fight for truth in the era of social media

Disinformation about Roma and among Roma has become a visible problem in Czech society, especially in the summer of 2023, when tensions arose between some Roma and Ukrainians. Historically, however, it was the Roma who were frequent victims of disinformation, such as a rumor regarding their free access to swimming pools.

Zdeněk Ryšavý | 10 min read | Jan 8, 2024

Decoding Disinformation: Navigating Civil Society Challenges in CEE - Disinformation and Civil Society Regional Mapping Reports 2022 - 2023

Within the Digital Activism Program conducted by TechSoup and its partners in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) since 2018, a pivotal activity focusing on supporting Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in being more resilient to disinformation has been underway. We believe at TechSoup that to bring about change, we must first diagnose the needs of the organizations we support and analyze the current socio-political situation in the countries where we operate. This belief is central to shaping the foundation for all future project activities.

Hive Mind | 2 min read | Sep 15, 2023