
Group 2: Resilience: a new lifestyle concept or a vaccine against the crisis?

Expert: TechSoup

2 weeks

Free of charge

Our aim is to create a learning space for activists, educators and local leaders working in environments vulnerable to disinformation from 23 European countries. Each Learning Group will work under the guidance of an experienced trainer who will lead the process, facilitate the exchange of knowledge, experiences and best practices among the participants, equip the participants in new insights and skills and help them introduce lessons learned in the international Learning Group into their local context
Brace yourself, winter is coming. Let’s meet to reflect on how to build resilience in young people and try practical ways of doing so. Is education (formal and non-formal) capable of supporting young people’s resilience and well-being in times of misinformation, instability, limited attention span and general information noise? What does it really mean to be resilient and does it equal being immune to crisis, difficulties and stress of everyday life, disinformation included?  

Together we will outline/showcase how teachers and educators can support children and young people to help them approach challenges and build resilience in a long perspective. We will refer to existing methods and frameworks - design thinking and socio-ecological model of health - and compliment them with practical tools and our expert group reflection.  
Join us in collaborating with an international team to co-create a shared vision for education, aimed at shaping young people capable of navigating the complexities of today's world. Together, we will explore how we can support them within our spheres of influence.

Event dates:
06.11.2024, 18:00  
20.11.2024, 18:00
Registration deadline: 25.10.2024 
The recruitment is only open to residents of the EU member states.

Who will lead it?
Marta Puciłowska-Schielmann: a cultural anthropologist and certified EU interpreter and TechSoup Master Trainer; an experienced practitioner (teacher and trainer), author of materials and programs (national and international) and an expert on wellbeing at school for School with Class Foundation, a co-author of research and reports on wellbeing and mental health in the school environment.

You need to be logged in your Hive Mind account to register. If you don't have one, create your account here.
Our aim is to create a learning space for activists, educators and local leaders working in environments vulnerable to disinformation from 23 European countries. Each Learning Group will work under the guidance of an experienced trainer who will lead the process, facilitate the exchange of knowledge, experiences and best practices among the participants, equip the participants in new insights and skills and help them introduce lessons learned in the international Learning Group into their local context

For who?

We warmly invite you to apply if you are a trainer, teacher or educator, you work with young people in formal or non-formal education in a community center, library, organization or institution. 

Key features

Participating in a learning group will enable you to

- understand what does it mean to be resilient, what strengthens resilience and what are the challenges to overcome 
- use models, like design thinking circle or socio-ecological model of health to support young people in building resilience 
- use practical solutions to build resilience based on the expertise of other member groups and the trainer to introduce in your work field  
- see how a general resilience has in common with resilience to disinformation 
- see yourself and your challenges in an international context