
Online Campaigning | Final Quiz

Expert: Tracy Frauzel

Free of charge

Tracy has been leading and advising on people powered campaigns for more than a decade. She is a co-founder of the Mobilisation Lab and the Mizizi Project. Her focus is supporting social change organisations to achieve greater impact through the use of systems thinking and participatory campaign design and has worked with CSOs globally including Amnesty International, The Climate Coalition, Greenpeace, The Swedish Insitute, World Animal Protection and Unicef. Tracy led the development of MobLab’s Campaign Accelerator process that is being taught and used by organisations around the world. She is an experienced process and workshop designer and facilitator, having led workshops and trainings all over the world. She holds a masters degree in design thinking.
Tracy Frauzel
Nowadays, we all have access to tools to communicate what we care about, organize people around an important goal, and raise money for our activities. So we no longer need to wait for institutions to initiate and drive change. This course will guide you, step by step, through the process of designing your own “People-Powered Campaign”: a tool for mobilizing mass audiences to support activists' causes. 
The course consists of 4 parts and a quiz, created by the renowned Greenpeace and MobLab Collective experts.

You can take this final quiz to recap the knowledge you’ve gained throughout the course in “Online Campaigning” and receive a certificate of completion. 

If you haven’t checked out the previous parts of the course, no worries! Click on the links below to register: 
Tracy has been leading and advising on people powered campaigns for more than a decade. She is a co-founder of the Mobilisation Lab and the Mizizi Project. Her focus is supporting social change organisations to achieve greater impact through the use of systems thinking and participatory campaign design and has worked with CSOs globally including Amnesty International, The Climate Coalition, Greenpeace, The Swedish Insitute, World Animal Protection and Unicef. Tracy led the development of MobLab’s Campaign Accelerator process that is being taught and used by organisations around the world. She is an experienced process and workshop designer and facilitator, having led workshops and trainings all over the world. She holds a masters degree in design thinking.
Tracy Frauzel

For who?

  • Activists who would like to enhance their digital impact and deepen supporters’ involvement
  • Comms people who want to update their knowledge and skills and harness the new power to improve their audience’s engagement and collaboration
  • Organizations aiming to rethink and redesign their campaigns in order to gain new supporters 
  • Everyone who is looking for more information on how to run their digital campaigns in a more participatory way 

Key features

Testing your knowledge gained during
Part 1 - What and why? New Power & Understanding the Challenge
Part 2 - Who? Engagement Building & Communication
Part 3 - How? Strategy & Tactics
Part 4  - With what result? Testing & Measuring