EEAD project aims to equip vulnerable citizens and civil society organisations with media literacy skills to critically analyse the messages conveyed through media and identify disinformation. The project focuses on European countries, including Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, and Romania.

We believe that strong civil society is a crucial ingredient to effectively counter disinformation.

For this reason, within project activities we focus not only on strengthening media literacy skills of vulnerable citizens and those working with them, but also on creating counter narratives, boosting digital activism, collaboration and mutual exchange between civil society actors and citizens.

We aim to involve those especially vulnerable to disinformation, i.e., youth, migrants, senior citizens, and general groups that lack media literacy skills, or access to education, or those at risk of being targeted by disinformation, i.e., LGBTQI people, women's rights and human rights organizations, CSO professionals, civic activists, watchdogs, and journalists.

During the project, the participants will be engaged in local training, workshops, webinars, or facilitated discussions on the Hive Mind Community platform with a goal to inspire citizen-led actions against disinformation.

We envision building a cross-national community, whose participants are learning from one another and actively working together to bring a positive change.

The project is supported within the European Commission Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV), implemented by TechSoup Europe and its local partners, Czech Republic: VIA Association, Romania: Funky Citizens, Portugal: Lusofona University/CICANT, Hungary: NIOK. Project activities in Poland will be delivered by TechSoup Europe.

Empowering Europeans Against Disinformation (EEAD) - Project Training Updates: The Purpose, Scope, and Background

WP 1. Countering Disinformation Learning and Exchange Webinars

Background and Purpose

The Empowering Europeans Against Disinformation (EEAD) project, led by Fundacja TechSoup, is a collaborative initiative aimed at countering disinformation across Europe. One of its key components is organizing webinars to educate and empower diverse audiences in different countries. The training activity comprised five webinars, each tailored to a specific country and audience.

The partners and TechSoup collaborated to cover a broad spectrum of disinformation-related topics.

The methodology involved interactive workshops, presentations, and discussions to enhance participants' understanding of disinformation and equip them with practical strategies.

Webinar Participants

Total Participants: 117

Countries Represented: 10 (Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Hungary, Portugal, Italy, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Netherlands, Germany)

Gender Distribution: Female (90), Male (27), Non-binary (0)

Event Descriptions (by Project Partner)

1. TechSoup Webinar

TechSoup hosted a webinar under a title ‘Defending Democracy: How to Spot and Protect Elections from Disinformation’ on October 5, 2023. Target audience was: activists, journalists, leaders of organizations and general public who were interested in disinformation or new to the topic and wanted to understand better the mechanisms behind disinformation targeting the election process. The webinar was held in English.

The 90 min webinar aimed to help the international target audience coming from the EU member States to:

  • Defend Democracy: Learn effective methods to protect elections from hostile foreign interference and ensure the integrity of the democratic process in your country.

  • Identify Disinformation: Enhance your ability to recognize disinformation campaigns targeting elections, enabling you to distinguish fact from fiction more effectively.

  • Counter Disinformation: Acquire practical strategies to effectively combat election-related disinformation, contributing to a more informed and resilient civil society.

The methodology of the webinar focused on gaining theoretical insights of disinformation spread during the election processes accompanied with practical strategies to recognize and combat election-related disinformation.

The outcomes of the webinar – participants gained knowledge on:

  • The key objectives of foreign election meddling and what the adversaries are trying to achieve by their interference.

  • The most common techniques and methods used by threat actors for meddling in various European elections to affect the voters’ preferences, manipulate the voting process, or undermine the legitimacy of the elections.

  • Best practices and measures the states and civil society should implement to protect the elections from external threats.

2. Lusofona University Webinar

Partner in Portugal, Lusofona University hosted a webinar under a title ‘NGOs Fighting Disinformation’ on October 23, 2023.

The 90-min webinar was held in English language in order to reach to the Portuguese and international community of activists interested in the topic.

The webinar was aimed to raise awareness of participants on disinformation and help them develop strategies to combat it.

Within the methodology for the webinar, the "NGOs FIGHTING DISINFORMATION" webinar addressed the pressing issue of disinformation in the digital age by providing valuable insights and practical strategies for combating this challenging scenario and offered a concise and informative discussion, equipping participants with essential knowledge and resources to effectively combat disinformation.

The main outcome for the webinar is that participants:

  • Increased civic and democratic engagement among participants.

  • Enhanced citizens resilience against disinformation, with focus on individuals living in social vulnerability.

  • Raised awareness of tools and tactics to identify and counter disinformation.

  • Expanded the transnational network of civic activism.

3. VIA Association Webinar

Partner in Czech Republic hosted a webinar under title ‘Disinformation Narratives: How to Recognize and Counter Them’ on October 5, 2023.

The 90-min webinar was held in Czech language in a format of online workshop to make sure it is interactive and interesting for the participants.

This workshop was aimed to empower them with knowledge and strategies to enhance their resilience and ability to counteract disinformation effectively.

Within the methodology of the webinar, it was divided into two parts: theory and practical examples. In the theoretical section, the webinar leader covered fundamental terminology, including definitions of disinformation, misinformation, and malinformation. The workshop also delved into the methodologies of debunking and prebunking.

The second part of the workshop featured multiple examples of disinformation narratives, their origins, debunking techniques, and effective responses. Through interactive exercises, participants had the opportunity to apply their newfound knowledge. To conclude the workshop provided best practices for non-profit organizations to navigate potential exposure to disinformation.

The target group for this workshop primarily was comprised of employees of non-profit organizations, a vulnerable demographic. Non-profit organizations are often the target of disinformation and misinformation campaigns, making their employees susceptible to manipulation.

As an outcome, webinar participants gained insights into the spread of disinformation and tactics to counter narratives targeting their respective organizations.

4. Funky Citizens Webinar

Partner in Romania hosted a webinar under the title Disinformation in Romania’s LGBT+ Landscape on September 19, 2023.

The 90-min webinar was held in Romanian language.

The webinar was aimed to explore the disinformation phenomenon in the LGBT+ landscape in Romania as the community that often faces false narratives or is targeted by hate speech and empower participants with strategies to counter such disinformation.

Within the methodology of the webinar, at the first part of it, participants had an opportunity to identify the main misinformation narratives affecting the LGBT+ community in Romania, observing the impact of false narratives on public opinion towards the community and at the second part they looked into practical aspect of strategies to counter misinformation narratives and best practice examples

Target audience: groups vulnerable to disinformation: young people (high-school and university students) and members of the LGBTQ+ community in Romania. Most of the participants who took part in the event were part of the LGBTQ+ community in Romania, were high-school or university students; civic activists, CSO professionals and participants coming from low-income household/rural areas.

As an outcome of the webinar, participants:

  • Received the presentation of the Romanian LGBTQ+ context and the importance of the topic

  • Explored LGBTQ+ Disinformation Narratives

  • Were presented with methods of approach for countering disinformation

  • Discussed case studies from Romania and abroad

  • Had space for open debate and discussion

5. NIOK Webinar

Partner in Hungary hosted an interactive webinar on Media literacy on September 21, 2023. The interactive 90-min webinar was held in Hungarian language.

The key message for the webinar was that media literacy is the ability to recognise and avoid manipulative misconceptions. This interactive workshops was aimed to help target audience to acquire new skills and knowledge on topics such as how to recognise different types of misinformation, how propaganda works and what we can do to become more digitally resilient.

Within a methodology of the webinar, between the introductory presentations and the final evaluation round, the training took the form of a 90-minute interactive group workshop, with a strong emphasis on theoretical knowledge transfer and practical exercises in addition to the joint knowledge transfer.

Target audience was NGOs affiliated professionals (staff, volunteer, member of an informal organization), those who work with vulnerable groups.

As an outcome for the webinar, participants:

  • learnt about the concept of media literacy

  • understood the role and forms of communication noise, role and responsibility of the media in the democratic functioning of society

  • raised awareness on the human factors that distort information

  • gained perspectives and useful tools for the foundations of critical thinking

  • acquired theoretical foundations needed to combat misinformation

WP. 2 Digital Activism Learning and Exchange webinars

The implemented work package 2 on Digital Activism Learning and Exchange webinars consisted of 5 webinars organized by partners and TechSoup covering wide variety of topics related to digital activism in the project countries and beyond:

  • 1 Webinar in Romania in Romanian language for the Romanian audience hosted by Funky Citizens;

  • 1 Webinar in Hungary in Hungarian language for the Hungarian audience hosted by NIOK;

  • 1 Webinar in Czech Republic in Czech language for the Czech audience hosted by VIA Association;

  • 1 Webinar in Portugal in Portuguese language for the Portuguese and international audience hosted by Lusofona University;

  • 1 Webinar in Poland for the international audience hosted by TechSoup.


  • Female: 80; Male: 17; Non-binary: 2; Preferred not to say: 2

Distribution per country:

Romania - 15, Hungary - 26; Czech Republic - 24; Portugal - 20; Spain - 2; Poland - 9; Germany - 1; Greece -1; Italy - 1; Belgium - 2

Total number of participants: 101

From the total number of countries: 10

You will find a short description of each of the online events below.


TechSoup hosted a Digital Activism webinar under the title ‘How To Keep Hope Alive In The Darkest of Times: Communicating Ukraine’ for an international cohort of participants on December 14, 2023.

Target audience were activists, journalists, leaders of organizations, general audience who are interested in building positive narratives or new to the topic and want to become a master of storytelling that sparks change.

The 75-min webinar was held in English and led by Val Voshchevska, a Ukrainian human rights activist and digital strategist based in London, champions global change through social media.

The webinar was aimed to help participants to learn to create narratives that inspire action and change by immersing themselves into a real-life examples and refining their ability to craft narratives that foster hope and offer solutions. The methodology of the webinar focused on combining theoretical part on basics of creating hope-based communications and practical real-life examples of campaigns that succeeded to create positive narratives and had impact within the communities.

The main outcomes of the webinar is that EU member states residents gained practical knowledge and skills on:

  • How to develop own recipe for success in communicating your story with wider audiences.

  • How to master and better understand hope-based, solution-focused storytelling.

  • Tools and knowledge to craft and amplify narratives that resonate on a global scale.

▶️ Link to the webinar's landing page with resources, description, and video replay link: LINK

Lusofona University

Partner in Portugal, Lusofona University hosted a webinar under title ‘Political and Civic Empowerment – ​​community experiences’ on September 25, 2023.

The 120-mins webinar was held in Portuguese language by two speakers who shared their valuable experiences in promoting democracy and civic engagement. Andreia Martins, from Democracia do Bem Comum and Alexandre Venceslau, representing Rádio Sintoniza.

This online event was aimed to address the challenges posed by the rapid spread of false narratives and hate speech in the age of technology and digital platforms.

Target audience: Civic activists and people from groups vulnerable to hate speech and disinformation.

The methodology was based on combination of raising awareness on EU member states residents on avenues of engagement into the civic life within spread of false narratives and hate speech, and providing practical examples of those initiatives and projects that succeeded in engaging young audiences and migrant communities into exercising responsible citizenship using various digital platforms.

The main outcomes of the online event:

  • It promoted democracy and civic engagement.

  • It addressed the challenges posed by the rapid spread of false narratives and hate speech, particularly through technology and digital platforms.

  • It empowered citizens from diverse socio-demographic backgrounds to deal with these narratives and exercise responsible and enlightened citizenship.

  • It shared experiences of initiatives and projects aimed at promoting democratic and civic engagement, especially among young audiences and migrant communities.

VIA Association

Partner in Czech Republic, VIA Association hosted a webinar under title ‘Twist with disinformation narratives with positive narrative and storytelling’ on November 7, 2023.

The 90-min webinar was held in Czech.

Target groups. The target group for this workshop primarily comprises employees of non-profit organizations, a vulnerable demographic. Non-profit organizations are often the target of disinformation and misinformation campaigns, making their employees susceptible to manipulation. This workshop was aimed to empower them with knowledge and strategies to enhance their resilience and ability to counteract disinformation effectively. To reach the objectives, methodology was covering theoretical insights on disinformation narratives and how they influence the communities accompanied with best practices and case studies of local non-profit organizations and their positive narrative campaigns.

The main objectives were to provide practical tools, hints and tips on how to incorporate the positive narratives and storytelling into a strategic communication to prevent the negative impact of disinformation. As the main outcome for the online event, the participants gained practical knowledge on such topics: psychology of disinformation; positive inspiration from the propaganda and advertising techniques; emotions in the communication; how to build up persona; how to create positive narrative for the NGO.

The workshop welcomed participants from a diverse range of non-profit organizations, representing various profiles and scopes of work. Attendees included representatives from both small and large organizations, civil society organizations (CSOs), public servants, and individuals employed by public libraries.

Funky Citizens

Partner in Romania, Funky Citizens hosted a webinar under title Civically viral - How to make yourself heard on the internet’ on October 24, 2023.

The 90 min webinar was held in Romanian.

This online training was an entry level and it was focused on building participants’ media literacy skills and empowering them to take action against disinformation through digital activism tools. The speaker of the event was Rareș Antal, representing Forum Apulum, an NGO focused on civic education for the youth. Rareș had demonstrated experience in working with social media tools and platforms to design digital activism campaigns as part of his work as video producer for Gen, news - a media platform dedicated to informing the Romanian youth. The speaker focused his presentation on offering practical examples and tips on how to keep communities engaged online, but also how to be successful on TikTok - one of the most used social media platforms by the youth. The webinar was moderated by Ana Mocanu, researcher on countering disinformation at Funky Citizens.

Target audience: groups vulnerable to disinformation: young people (high-school and university students), civic activists/journalists or CSO professionals and LGBTQ+ community members.

Within the methodology for this online training, it was organized around the topics of best tools to create impactful change through digital activism ; of how to keep the online community engaged ; of how to use social media to promote certain messages. In addition, as part of raising their capacity participants were provided with practical advice - how to start communication efficiently, examples of best practices in social media for digital activism; examples of case studies of digital activism as well as effective strategies to reach the online audience.

The outcomes of the online training are:

  • Participants built media literacy skills and to empowered them take action against disinformation.

  • Participants built disinformation resilience.

  • Participants raised their capacity in using social media tools to create digital activism campaigns.


Partner in Hungary hosted a webinar under the title ‘Fighting against disinformation’ on October 19, 2023.

The 120-min webinar was held in Hungarian and led by Brigitta Varga, communication consultant, communication and fundraising expert of the HospitalSoul Foundation.

Target groups: CSO representatives (staff, volunteer, member of an informal organization) who are working with or work of their organisation helps vulnerable groups.

Within a methodology used, the webinar was conducted as an interactive online group workshop, where, in addition to the theoretical knowledge transfer, there was a strong emphasis on the joint knowledge transfer and practical exercises.

The webinar was aimed to provide the participants with knowledge on phenomena of disinformation and what are the risks as well as motivate citizens to fight it.

As the outcomes of the webinar, participants:

  • Distinguished between misinformation, disinformation, malinformation, propaganda and fake news.

  • Learnt about the characteristics of unintentional and intentional disinformation.

  • Distinguished between 7 common forms of disinformation.

  • Got more aware of the human factors that contribute to the spread of disinformation.

  • Identified sources of disinformation more effectively.

  • Understood the interests of the actors involved in disinformation.

  • Learnt about global and domestic examples of disinformation.

  • Understood patterns of spread of disinformation in social media (bots, trolls, algorithms).

WP 3. Local Trainings on Building Resiliency to Disinformation (on site)


Local trainings on Building Resilience to Disinformation, in Poland, October 12-13, 2023 and 20- 21, 2024

TechSoup organized two 12-hours long Local Trainings on Building Resilience to Disinformation in Warsaw (October 12-13, 2023) and Lublin (February 20-21, 2024).

The trainings were intended for the following target groups - CSOs professionals and activists working with vulnerable groups who are most at risk of becoming the targets of disinformation or are more susceptible to disinformation, who strive to help those marginalised or discriminated to amplify their voice in the society and bring positive change in such fields as LGBTQI+, women's rights, climate crisis, refugee/migrant support, youth. The main goal for the training was to provide participants with knowledge on disinformation and give out step-by-step methodology, tools, and tactics that will enable participants to create effective campaigns on social issues.

The methodology used was practice-oriented and aimed to provide step-by-step methodology, tools, and tactics that will enable participants to create effective campaigns on social issues. The participants got knowledge on one of the most effective ways to counter disinformation that is building on values that connect citizens and allow them to develop communications that attempt to bridge the social divide. We used a concrete positive alternative narrative to combat disinformation which, hopefully, could enable social change.

The training curriculum was built on the TechSoup curricula on Countering Disinformation and Building Positive Narratives and was led by one of the participants who took part in the Training of Trainers organized by TechSoup at beginning of the project in April 2023. The training consisted of 3 modules:

Module 1: Countering Disinformation

Module 2: The Politics of Storytelling

Module 3: Changing the world. One story at a time

As a result of open call for applications, we have selected 13 representatives of CSOs working with vulnerable target populations such as LGBTQ+, migrants and refugees, youth and people with disabilities for the training conducted in Warsaw in October 2023. In February, the training in Lublin was attended by 15 participants representing CSOs working with youth, seniors and migrants.

As outcomes of the two organized trainings in Poland, participants:

• Understood and assessed the qualities and ways of (dis)information in local and global contexts;

• Built personal resiliency to disinformation;

• Understood and assessed narratives used by bad actors in local and global contexts;

• Understood and built on the examples of positive alternative narratives as a way of countering disinformation and social change.

The in-depth training taught CSOs representatives how to leverage the tangible tactics and technology tools to amplify and propagate alternative narratives in order to mobilize and influence their wider audiences. The trainings involved both a group practical activities and hands-on discussion between participants about how disinformation is affecting their communities, and explored how civic engagement could possibly address those challenges.


Local training on Building Resilience to Disinformation in Hungary, November 22-23, 2023

November 22-23, 2023 NIOK organized a 12-hours long local training on Building Positive Narratives for the CSOs, supporting vulnerable groups directly in their work or engaged into the advocacy activities as the main target audience selected.

The onsite training was attended by 22 participants coming from Hungary.

Methodology used: During these two days offline training the trainers provided a knowledge package to help the participant organisations communicate and navigate the challenges of today's online world. The first day focused on theory and basics about positive narratives as a way to address and counter disinformation. The second day focused around concrete practical exercises and advisory to build and implement positive narrative campaign. This event was the final in the training series started in September with the media literacy webinar (WP1) tailored specifically to NGOs, followed by the countering disinformation webinar in October (WP2) and finished with this workshop on positive narrative building, considered one of the most effective tools of countering disinformation.

The learning goals of the workshop were focused around participants, who would like to:

• identify the target groups in their own organisation and the factors and actors that influence their behaviour

• segment his/her target groups

• analyse the narratives of his/her target group

• understand the main differences between different communication platforms • distinguish between counter and alternative narratives

• understand the benefits and strengths of positive narratives

• recognise the power and role of storytelling

• take the initiative to develop an independent narrative based on their own purpose and target audience

As outcomes of the training:

• participants received knowledge and skills relevant for their professional and/or personal life to raise impact of their interventions for vulnerable groups in the filed of countering disinformation;

• participants obtained useful guidelines on how to build a narrative based campaigns on their own purpose and target audience;

• CSOs representatives working with vulnerable groups identified the factors and actors that influence their behaviour and assist them in motivating for a positive change within their communities.

Funky Citizens

Local Training on Building Resilience to Disinformation in Romania, September 29-30, 2023

The event took place on-site, in Bucharest, between 29-30 September under the title Fake news and True Stories and was 12-hours long. The training was focused on building capacity on fighting disinformation, using storytelling as means to understand disinformation narratives and applying critical thinking.

As per the methodology selected, the training consists of 3 modules, each led by a trainer with extensive knowledge on the subject: Matei Vrabie project manager from Funky Citizens on countering disinformation, Roxana Stan, journalist at on storytelling, Alexandra Babii, communication officer from CIVICA on critical thinking. Each module contained: theory, case studies and examples, but

also exercises and information applied to the topic. The level of the training was entry level and targeted at Groups vulnerable to disinformation: young people (high-school and university students), civic activists/journalists or CSO professionals and LGBTQ+ community members.

Most of the participants who took part in the event (in total 25) were civic activist/journalist/CSO professionals (applies to 11 of the participants), were high-school or university students (applies to 6 of the participants) and 1 of them were members of LGBTQ+ community.

The specific objectives of the training were:

• To build participant’s capacity on countering disinformation using digital tools.

• To build participant’s personal resilience to disinformation

• To capacitate participants in using storytelling tools to understand false narratives on social media.

• To empower participants with critical thinking skills to counter disinformation. To reach the objectives the webinar was organized according to the following agenda:

Module 1: Countering Disinformation

Module 2: Storytelling

Module 3: Critical Thinking

Afterwards, participants were given access to the webinar presentation and were directed to other resources such as Funky Citizens open resources consisting of analysis, research, guides and useful databases and Factual fact-checking platform.

As outcomes of the training, participants:

• can recognize the signs of disinformation: how to spot potential signs of disinformation, including the use of biased language, lack of credible sources, as well as to defend yourself and counter disinformation, including promoting trusted sources and education;

• gained knowledge on how to apply Critical Thinking in Social Context: How to use critical thinking to evaluate information you encounter online and offline.

• learnt about Components of an Effective Story - how to build a compelling story using elements such as characters, conflict, action, and core message.

Lusofona University

As part of WP3, Universidade Lusófona organized six face-to-face workshops, each lasting two hours, entitled "Detecting and Avoiding the Spread of Fake News", five in Lisbon and one in Porto.

Local Training on Building Resilience to Disinformation in Portugal, Lisbon on November 28, 2023; January 12, 2024; January 17, 2024; February 28, 2024 and March 11, 2024.

In Lisbon, the workshops took place at locations maintained by parish councils, residents´ association and city´s regional administrative entities. These locations are dedicated spaces where the elderly and other vulnerable community members can gather and connect. The workshops had a total of 93 participants, whose ages ranged from 50 to 99 years. The workshops were led by Claudilene Perim (Lusófona University/ CICANT) and the same methodology was applied across all sessions.


The disinformation workshop opted for an active approach, placing participants at the centre of learning, aiming to empower them to discern between true and false information. The adopted methodology was designed to stimulate active participation, practical engagement, and critical reflection. The steps of the workshop were structured as follows:

• Conceptual Exploration

o Initially, the concept of fake news and disinformation was presented, contextualizing its prevalence in contemporary society. Discussion on the negative impacts of the dissemination of false information in various spheres of daily life.

• Investigation Activities:

o Participants were divided into groups to perform practical investigation activities. o Provision of tools and techniques to analyse the credibility of sources, verify the truthfulness of information, and identify common patterns associated with disinformation.

• Fake News Detection Simulation

o Implementation of an interactive simulation in which participants were exposed to examples of true and false news.

o Participants were challenged to apply the learned techniques to identify and distinguish between authentic and misleading information.

• Debates and Discussions

o Group debates were held to share experiences, challenges, and strategies used in detecting fake news during the simulation.

o Discussion on the importance of critical thinking and source verification as fundamental skills in the digital information age.

• Feedback and Clarification:

o Opportunity for participants to receive constructive feedback on their approaches during the simulation.

o Dedicated space for clarification of doubts and deepening of specific concepts related to disinformation.

o By adopting this active methodology, the workshop aimed not only to transmit theoretical knowledge but also to develop practical skills and promote a deeper and more critical understanding of the disinformation phenomenon. The final goal was to empower participants to become active agents in identifying and combating the spread of false information in their personal and professional environments.

All of the workshops showcased a high level of engagement and participation, with individuals from various backgrounds sharing their unique perspectives, experiences, and examples related to misinformation. Among the sessions, one stood out significantly (the one held on 28/02/2024) as it had participants with minimal literacy skills., for whom television is the unique source of information. Despite their limited access to diverse media, the engagement of these participants was high and they shared their own views and experiences with misinformation, enriching the workshop with diverse perspectives. This experience serves as a reminder of the importance of inclusive approaches in educational and informational programs, ensuring everyone has the opportunity to voice their thoughts and contribute to discussions on key societal issues.

Local Training on Building Resilience to Disinformation in Portugal, Porto on November 9, 2023

Regarding the workshop conducted in the Porto district, it took place on November 9, in Rio Tinto, at the USRV-University for Seniors Rotary of Valongo premises. The session gathered participants from UGIRT-University of the Third Age of Rio Tinto and USRV-University for Seniors Rotary of Valongo. In total, 24 elderly individuals aged between 55 and 80 years participated. The workshop was conducted by Ana Filipa Oliveira and Margarida Maneta (both from Lusófona University/ CICANT).

This session adopted an active approach. Participants were placed in a prominent position, starting the discussion from their personal experiences with disinformation and counterfeit content. Thus, the experiences and preconceptions of the participants were valued. By being placed at the center of learning, their participation and critical reflection were stimulated. The workshop proceeded according to the following agenda:

• Conceptual Exploration

o An initial discussion was promoted about the concept of disinformation and counterfeit information (fake news) and its impact on contemporary society and daily life.

• Analysis of real examples:

o In groups, various examples of counterfeit content were presented. Through this exercise, in groups, participants had the opportunity to explore various techniques to detect counterfeit information and also to share their own strategies. Issues related to journalism, advertising content, sources, and harmful and offensive content were addressed.

• Listing of Good Practices for Detecting Disinformation

o After analysing real cases and exploring concepts related to disinformation, participants were divided into 4 groups. In these groups, participants developed listings of good practices and strategies that could be used in their daily lives to detect counterfeit information and avoid damages related to misleading content. Through this activity, a new discussion and a joint critical reflection on how to deal with the dangers related to disinformation were generated.

• Debates and Discussions

o After the group activity, the groups shared the results. At this moment, participants took the opportunity to share the learning resulting from the session and from sharing with other group members. The different levels of knowledge related to the theme and the media - especially digital ones - and the importance of moments of sharing and group discussion for clarification of doubts arising from the routine use of the media became perceptible.

• Feedback and Clarification:

o Opportunity for participants to receive constructive feedback on their approaches. Dedicated space for clarification of doubts and for feedback on the session.

o All participants were invited to fill in the CERV survey. However, participants faced difficulties accessing and responding to the survey questions. Not all participants had a mobile device that allowed them to respond to the questionnaire, and there was only one computer available in each of the sessions. Moreover, not all the questions in the survey were clear to the participants, which hindered their response.

WP. 4 Hive Mind Online Learning and Exchange cohorts

Work Package 4 Hive Mind Online Learning and Exchange cohorts targeted online training sessions from June to December 2024. Designed for educators, activists, and local leaders across EU member states, the program addressed disinformation-related topics such as resilience, gender-based disinformation, migration narratives, and challenges related to AI and disinformation. Each Learning Group worked under the guidance of an experienced trainer who led the process, facilitated the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and best practices among the participants, equipped them with new insights and skills, and helped them introduce lessons learned in the international Learning Group into their local context.


  • Female: 83; Male: 20; Non-binary: 5.

Distribution per country:

Austria – 1, Belgium – 4, Bulgaria – 2, Croatia – 3, Czech Republic – 1, Estonia – 2, France – 3, Greece – 8, Hungary – 4, Italy – 7, Latvia – 1, Lithuania – 1, Netherlands – 3, Poland – 51, Portugal – 1, Romania – 15, Slovenia – 1.

Total number of participants: 108

From the total number of EU member states: 17

Here is a short description of the Learning cohorts flow below.

Each one of 8 learning groups consisted of:

· Prework related to basic introduction to the topic of the working group

· 2 hours online session

· Homework and reflection on what was discussed during the 1st meeting

· 2 hours online session with follow up on lessons learned and possible impact of knowledge being introduced to participants’ communities.

Overall, 4 Learning Cohorts.

  1. Navigating The Truth: AI. Challenges and Solutions for Education

    • Dates: June 14-27, 2024 (Group 1) and October 2-9, 2024 (Group 2)

    • Focus: Relationship between AI, education, and disinformation; fostering critical thinking in young people.

    • Outcome: Participants gained practical tools to address AI-driven content responsibly, emphasizing ethical AI use and digital citizenship.

  2. Are we powerless or powerful in combating migration disinformation?

    • Dates: June 17-24, 2024 (Group 1) and October 21-28, 2024 (Group 2)

    • Focus: Identifying and countering false narratives related to migration.

    • Outcome: Equipped participants with tools to challenge harmful stereotypes and foster inclusion.

  3. Resilience: a new lifestyle concept or a vaccine against the crisis?

    • Dates: October 16-23, 2024 (Group 1) and November 6-22, 2024 (Group 2)

    • Focus: Strategies for equipping young people to navigate misinformation and everyday challenges.

    • Outcome: Emphasized holistic, long-term support for youth resilience, mental health, and adaptability.

  4. Gender-based disinformation – what is it, how does it work and how to counter it?

    • Dates: November 6-28, 2024 (Group 1) and November 28-December 12, 2024 (Group 2)

    • Focus: Recognizing and countering gender-related disinformation.

    • Outcome: Fostered awareness, resilience, and actionable solutions to combat harmful stereotypes and gender-based disinformation.

WP 5. Training of Trainers (ToT) on Countering Disinformation and Creating Positive Narratives, Poland, Warsaw; 20 – 21.04.2023

Training of trainers on Countering Disinformation and Building Positive Narratives was intended to grow and support the European network of trainers/CSO workers/educators/subject matter experts on media literacy so they can carry out more countering disinformation and digital activism activities in their respective countries and communities.

The training modules were designed to equip these multipliers with skills to train, lead, and inspire citizens on the local level to leverage media literacy and build resilience to disinformation based on our existing training curriculum targeted for civil society. Participants chosen for participation here were well suited and situated to initiate, promote and implement actions and interventions at local or regional level as part of their already existing ongoing work as a civic activist.

The training’s objectives were to:

  • Strengthen trainers’ capacity in delivering training on countering disinformation and building positive narratives to adult target audience.

  • Introduce trainers to training curricula on countering disinformation and building positive narratives developed by TechSoup.

  • Provide opportunity for the international group of trainers to learn from each other and to exchange experiences in providing training on countering disinformation and building positive narratives.

  • Strengthen confidence in implementing actions and interventions at local or regional levels focused on media literacy and building resilience to disinformation.

The training covered two major blocks:

  • Countering Disinformation

  • Building Positive Narratives

Based on open call, we had invited 26 individuals from 7 EU countries who:

  • Possess prior experience in delivering training activities in the field of media literacy (preferably in subjects Countering Disinformation and Building Positive Narratives)

  • Are acting as or willing to become an active multiplier of skills on grass root levels with an opportunity to be engaged in delivering local activities (curricula localization, trainings, supporting local action plans) within scope of the EEAD project)

  • Are comfortable in going through training in English.

The list of participants was gender balanced and compiled of professionals affiliated with NGOs from different countries, of various ages, with different experience levels in conducting training and target groups: students, Roma youth, participants from low-income households, LGBTQ+, seniors, women, journalists, activists, immigrants, refugees etc.

Within 2-days long training (12 h in total), the participants participated in interactive sessions, received to perform on practical assignments and brainstormed ideas of future training interventions with target audiences. By the end of the training, participants received ready-to-use training curricula on Building Resilience to Disinformation prepared by TechSoup. The package of materials was comprised of training outline; trainer slides and additional resources for trainers to be used during the training. All materials are easy to adjust to the interventions with various target groups and localized to the needs of specific communities as well as local contexts.

At the end of this training, participants:

  • Received comprehensive overview of the curricula on Countering Disinformation and Building Positive Narratives to be used with their prospective trainees.

  • Strengthened their trainers’ capacity in delivering training on Countering Disinformation and Building Positive Narratives to adult target audience.

  • Became familiar with the process of curricula localization.

  • Learned how to integrate practical scheme of Local Action Plans into their work with their prospective trainees as a method of multiplication of knowledge into the local communities.

  • Got confidence in implementing actions and interventions at local or regional levels focused on media literacy and building resilience to disinformation.

WP 6. Onsite Mutual Learning and Capacity Building Workshop for the Transnational Network of Civic Activists, Poland, Warsaw; 05-06.06.2024

Participants: Total - 25; female - 21, male - 4

Distribution per country: Romania (1), Hungary (4), Czech Republic (2), Portugal (2), Poland (9), Bulgaria (3), Latvia (2), Lithuania (1), Slovakia (1).

On June 5-6, 2024, in Warsaw TechSoup organized an onsite 12-hours long mutual learning and capacity building workshop under title ‘Building youth resilience: what works, what doesn’t and how to make a difference’ for the transnational network of civic activists across Europe to promote civic engagement initiatives at the local level. We intended to create space for activists, trainers, and educators who work with youth from all over Europe to get together, learn and share their experience when it comes to topics of Countering Disinformation as well as Personal and Organizational Resilience.

Based on the open call we have selected 25 participants residing in 9 EU member states, who were:

  • Trainers and educators working in the field of disinformation, resilience but also other areas (especially ones working with youth).

  • Activists, CSO professionals and educators working with youth and young adults as groups especially vulnerable to the negative impact of disinformation and information overload.

  • Activists, CSO professionals and educators wanting to learn more on the topic to resilience to disinformation (not necessarily working with youth but wanting to learn about useful techniques that can also be applicable to other audiences) without previous experience in working in this field).

  • With a good command of English language.

Throughout two days participants guided by trainers looked at resilience as a permanent element of everyday life of organizations as well as individuals and learnt how to transform reality with small but meaningful steps. They tackled the differences and similarities when it comes to building resilience between young people and adults to search for tailored-made answers and solutions.

The workshop included the following topics:

  • Understanding of what it means to be resilient and what research tells about resilience,

  • Applicability of the socio-ecological model of heath and how it influences resilience of the people they work with,

  • The role of an adult in education of young people and how to work with their target groups with resilience in mind.

Within 2-days long workshop, the participants participated in interactive sessions, received to perform on practical assignments and brainstormed ideas of future interventions with youth in their respective communities.

As for the main outcomes for the training, participants:

  • Learnt concepts and vocabulary concerning resilience and related concepts, went through research, looked at different phenomena that support and weaken the resilience to disinformation of young people.

  • Got to know how important it is to talk about emotions and self-consciousness while talking about resilience to disinformation and understood the socio-ecological model.

  • Looked closely at young people as the target group, tried to understand them better and see how their own actions and attitude shapes their resilience to disinformation.

  • Came up with actions to be further developed or adjusted to implement in the local communities with youth.

The participants also left the workshop with:

  • ready-to-use framework and tools to work inside of their organizations and with their target groups.

  • knowledge, insights as well as exchange of good practices with experienced educators.

  • opportunity to connect with fellow trainers and educators from all around Europe.

EEAD Training Activity Summary

The EEAD project's training activity so far successfully addressed disinformation challenges across diverse European communities. By leveraging webinars in various languages, the project fostered a comprehensive understanding of disinformation, empowering participants with knowledge and strategies to combat this growing threat. The diverse geographical and demographic representation highlighted the project's commitment to inclusivity and its impact on building a resilient and informed civil society.

WP 7. Citizen-led Local Action Plans

A Citizen-led Local Action Plan (LAP) is a tool for citizen engagement. Within this framework, selected civil-society organizations (CSOs) are provided with small individual and collaborative grants to apply the skills learned at our capacity-building events.

The Local Action Plans are designed to build the resilience of both CSOs and citizens against disinformation and propaganda. This approach focuses on countering disinformation, building positive narratives, and promoting media literacy.

The multiplier approach is suitable for achieving the project objective of reaching as many participants/citizens as possible. Hence, TechSoup partners in five countries coordinated two citizen-led Local Action Plans. This opportunity was advertised on the social media of the Hive Mind online learning space.

The activities within LAPs took place between April and November 2024. Results of the LAPs were disseminated through personal and organizational social media profiles of the LAP organizers, as well as on the Hive Mind platform of TechSoup, and further promoted on social media.


  • Female: 346; Male: 273; Non-binary: 8.

Distribution per country:

Czech Republic – 218, Hungary – 262, Poland – 73, Portugal – 24, Romania – 50.

Total number of participants: 627

From the total number of EU member states: 5

ℹ️ Below, you will find the detailed descriptions of the LAPs together with links to the LAPs Highlights - selected case studies on the Hive Mind website:

  • Czech Republic

1. LAP by JKS Média, z.s.

Title: O médiích v médii zapomenutých regionechech

The aim of the LAP was to introduce the topics of media manipulation in the age of social networks and artificial intelligence through interactive and fun activities to 8th-grade students.

Methodology: The LAP held 11 workshops on visual manipulation for students aged 13 to 16 from six schools in northeast Czechia. Over 90 minutes, they learned to identify AI-generated images, explored the history of visual manipulation, and discussed AI's potential uses with media professionals. Each session ended with a quiz to assess their knowledge improvement.

Outcomes: Students learned to recognize AI-generated images and the motives of online manipulators. The workshops introduced media literacy skills, fostering critical thinking about visual content on social media. Surveys showed students felt more confident navigating social media after learning new, useful information.

2. LAP by IQLANDIA, o. p. s.

Title: Interactive game: Program for 8th grade elementary school students on the topic of disinformation

The aim of the project was to equip students with media literacy and critical thinking skills. As part of the initiative, a pilot launch of a board game was conducted, engaging 35 school students.

Methodology: The game started with a discussion on misinformation, followed by instructions for the game and splitting into three teams. Each player assumed a role to uncover and analyze information and further confirm or refute suspected information. The game concluded with a reflection, where students reviewed key concepts and pointed out their own lessons learned.

Outcome: The organizers promoted the game to teachers as a tool to enhance analytical and critical thinking, media hygiene, and the ability to discern true from false information. The game offers playful yet serious media literacy education. Students were highly engaged, actively involved, and reflected on their learning, improving teamwork and media message analysis skills.

Media: Media Literacy and Misinformation Education in iQLANDIA | Blog | Hive Mind

  • Hungary

3. LAP by Városunkért Közösen Egyesület (‘Together for Our Town Association’)

Title: “Doing more harm than good"

The aim of this LAP was to raise awareness about the scientific approach to mosquito control at Lake Balaton and to identify disinformation on this topic. The project engaged seniors over 60 years old together with the younger generation born after the year 2000.

Methodology: The information campaign in Balatonalmádi, Lake Balaton, addressed mosquito control methods. It included three events:

1. A conference with 80 participants from academia and nature protection in June 2024.

2. An online workshop for best practice exchange in September 2024.

3. An in-person workshop with NGOs in October 2024.

The campaign also maintained constant online communication, reaching over 30,000 unique hits with mosquito control materials.

Outcome: The digital awareness campaign reached a wide audience, sparking scientific and social discussions on mosquito management and its environmental impact. In-person activities promoted networking among municipalities and activists in the Lake Balaton region. Identifying environmental disinformation supports better local decision-making, ensuring minimal harm in mosquito control and ecosystem balance.

Media: "Doing more harm than good?" - Balaton NGOs for environmentally conscious mosquito control | Blog | Hive Mind

4. LAPby Szivárványcsaládokért Alapítvány (For Rainbow Families Foundation)

Title: “International Marriage Equality Conference 2024” - preliminary communication campaign

The aim of this LAP was to create and organize a preliminary communications campaign for the conference on marriage equality that took place on 14 November 2024 at the Central European University in Budapest.

Methodology: The campaign targeted supporters, neutrals, and opponents of same-sex marriages. It began with a press release a month before the conference, followed by social media ads a week prior and a newsletter to key opinion leaders. The media plan included 21 posts released every two days, with post-conference support through digital media materials.

Outcome: This LAP contributed to the nationwide discussion on LGBTQ+ rights, focusing on same-sex marriage. It raised awareness and fostered dialogue with neutral citizens and opponents ahead of a conference in Budapest. Representatives from academia, politics, religious groups, and civil society were invited to participate. The campaign helped create a common language for same-sex couples and their allies to engage with wider society.

  • Portugal

5. LAP by Associação Islâmica da Tapada das Mercês e Mem-Martins

Title: Rádio Sintoniza-T

The aim of this LAP was to identify active people in the local community who experience discrimination, fight against disinformation, and learn about the daily life of activists through interviews. The interviews took place in the studios of Radio Sintoniza-T, a parish within the municipality of Sintra known for having one of the largest concentrations of various nationalities.

Methodology: The creators interviewed people affected by prejudice based on skin color, sexual orientation, or religion, who shared how they combat discrimination daily. These interviews were posted as videos on YouTube and converted into podcasts. Some individuals were reluctant to discuss discrimination on camera.

Outcomes: The project initiated open discussions about the problem of discrimination in Portuguese society and highlighted the need to continue such discussions in various forms of media to overcome this issue. Additionally, the organizers felt empowered by their first interviews and plan to continue this activity to demystify existing prejudices.

Media: Radio Sintoniza-T – local initiative against disinformation in Portuguese Sintra | Blog | Hive Mind

6. LAP implemented by Campo Grande Parish Social Centre

Title: Playing against disinformation

The aim of the project was to reach out to the elderly population who don’t use digital technology to consume news and are thus more susceptible to fake news. The organizers found a way to engage this audience by creating a specialized board game together with them.

Methodology: The project organized six weekly 2-hour interactive sessions with elderly citizens to create a board game to combat disinformation. Each session included a 40-minute knowledge-building segment and an 80-minute hands-on part for defining concepts, rules, and game mechanics. Participants tested and refined the game based on their evaluations and reflections.

Outcome: The LAP fostered discussions among elderly citizens about fake news and disinformation, enhancing their critical thinking skills. It also built a sense of community and collaboration. As the global population ages, it's crucial to focus on seniors' needs and continue training them to navigate dynamic information spaces.

  • Poland

7. LAP implemented by Rodzice dla Klimatu

Title: Climate Mosaic (in Polish - Mozaika Klimatyczna dla Dziennikarzy)

The workshop aimed to explore climate change causes and effects interactively, arranging a mosaic to illustrate these relationships. Held in June and July 2024, the workshops involved 37 journalists and journalism students, taking place in several Polish towns and one online session.

Methodology. Participants in the workshops used cards based on IPCC reports to illustrate elements of the climate system, uncovering relationships independently. Despite varying levels of climate knowledge and engagement, this interactive method effectively conveyed information and allowed participants to draw their own conclusions.

Outcomes. The interactive method effectively transferred knowledge and combated climate change disinformation. Over two-thirds of participants plan to use the workshop knowledge in their work, and more than 80% said it will help them verify climate change information in media and statements by politicians and community members.

Media: Jak edukować dziennikarzy o zmianach klimatu? | Blog | Hive Mind

8. LAP by Aleksandra Sawa:

Title: World Information Society Day in Wrocław high schools: we are immunizing ourselves against disinformation in the age of AI"

The aim of the LAP was to raise awareness among school communities about the risks associated with disinformation. The organizers were particularly keen to draw young people’s attention to the increasingly significant role of artificial intelligence in the media and in our daily lives.

Methodology: The activities targeted student council members and teachers, crucial for the project's success. Trainings for student councils covered mis- and disinformation, fake news types, cognitive biases, and phenomena like information bubbles and echo chambers. They discussed disinformation goals, tactics, and susceptible groups. Teacher training focused on developing critical thinking and media literacy skills. Students practiced these skills through peer-to-peer activities like a "prank lecture" and a "research on a living organism" project to demonstrate manipulation and cognitive biases.

Outcomes: Students gained media literacy, critical thinking skills, and knowledge about disinformation. Over 55% were motivated to continue disinformation-related activities. Teachers praised the project's educational value, highlighting it as an excellent example of informal learning on media literacy.

Media : Wrocław high schools focus on fighting disinformation | Blog | Hive Mind

  • Romania

9. LAP implemented by Alexandra-Niculina Gherguț-Babii

Title: GenZ Voters: Truth Over Disinformation // "Civic 2.0: Critical Thinking and Responsible Voting"

The aim of the LAP was to enhance critical thinking and increase the importance of civic engagement for 30 students at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași.

Methodology: The organizers surveyed 20–24-year-olds about civic engagement and fake news. They found that while young people are motivated to engage locally, their involvement is often shallow and unsustainable. They also lack information about national politics and have limited knowledge of fact-checking.

In response, the organizers created a curriculum focused on critical thinking, active civic engagement, and the importance of voting.

Outcome: The students created a social media campaign to highlight the importance of voting, especially for first-time voters. The campaign reached 229,083 views and 3,272 account visits. The LAP concluded with a final event summarizing the project's achievements, with the primary success being content created by Gen Z, for Gen Z.

Media: GenZ Voters: Truth over Disinformation | Blog | Hive Mind

10. LAP Implemented by Associatia ORICUM

Title: (De)construind: politici & narrative optimiste.

The aim of this LAP was to foster political engagement and positive dialogue among young people aged 15 to 25 in Romania.

Methodology: The project held two workshops in Bucharest and Pitesti, where participants reflected on politics by creating collages and drafting articles about two young politicians. The goal was to showcase positive examples of young people in politics. Participants made collages about politics and the civic landscape, encouraging them to reflect on their perceptions.

Outcomes: The project increased civic awareness among about 3,200 people, both participants and those reached through media platforms. Articles about the two young politicians were posted in a local media outlet, helping demystify politics for the younger generation and encouraging their participation in public life.

WP 8. MEGAPHONE Conference 2024 (on-site)

The implemented work package 8 on MEGAPHONE Conference 2024 took place in Bratislava, Slovakia on November 13-14, 2024. The theme for MEGAPHONE 2024 was “From Reactive to Ready: Activism in Times of Polycrisis,” focusing on the need for new approaches and strategies for civil society organizations (CSOs) and activists in the face of multiple interconnected crises.


  • Female: 53; Male: 24; Non-binary: 2.

Distribution per country:

Romania - 8, Hungary - 4; Czech Republic – 3; Portugal – 1; Poland – 18; Bulgaria – 4; Latvia – 6; Lithuania – 3; Slovakia – 21; Spain – 1; Estonia – 3; Croatia – 3: Denmark – 2; Italy – 1; Germany – 2.

Total number of participants: 80

From the total number of EU member states: 15

You will find a short description of the conference flow below.

This annual event supports activists and civil society professionals from Europe and beyond, addressing the challenges posed by disinformation, polarization, and social media algorithms.

Target audience were activists, CSO professionals, journalists, and educators.

The gathering aimed increasing collaboration among CSOs to build resilience to disinformation and promote citizen engagement.

Over the two days, the conference featured 21 sessions, including workshops, tech demos, and discussion panels on topics such as:

  • Countering disinformation: Strategies for CSOs to refute attacks.

  • Depolarization and resilience: Mobilization tactics, engaging men in civic spaces, active listening, and crisis communication.

  • Use of technology: AI in content production and daily CSO operations, with demonstrations of tools like Copilot, Gerulata, and TrollWall.

Outcomes: The event was highly successful, with participants reporting a strong sense of community, increased knowledge of tools and strategies, and confidence in applying what they learned. Key statistics include:

  • 98% felt part of a supportive community.

  • 96.5% felt up to date with tools and trends.

  • 91% felt the event met or exceeded their expectations.

  • 89.5% found the event useful in their daily work/life.

  • 94.7% felt confident in applying their learnings.

  • 96.5% indicated an increased willingness to participate in civic and democratic life.

  • 93% reported increased awareness of rights and avenues for participation in democratic and civic life.

Participantsexpressed appreciation for the knowledge, networking opportunities, and sense of belonging provided by MEGAPHONE 2024.

Media: MEGAPHONE 2024 Impact Video and website

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The EEAD training and capacity-building activities display the project's comprehensive approach to addressing disinformation challenges across diverse European communities. The project's commitment to equipping a broad spectrum of professionals with the skills needed to combat disinformation and promote positive narratives is evident throughout both initiatives.

From Warsaw, Poland, to diverse European locations, the EEAD project strategically equipped professionals to combat disinformation. The initial ToT event laid a robust foundation, while the following webinars, learning groups, and the MEGAPHONE event disseminated targeted insights to varied EU-based audiences.

Event Results - detailed reporting

  • WP 1. Countering Disinformation Learning and Exchange webinars: SEE THE EVENT DESCRIPTION HERE

  • WP 2. Digital Activism Learning and Exchange webinars: SEE THE EVENT DESCRIPTION HERE

  • WP 3. Local Trainings on Building Resiliency to Disinformation (on site): SEE THE EVENT DESCRIPTION HERE

  • WP. 4 Hive Mind Online Learning and Exchange cohorts: SEE THE EVENT DESCRIPTION HERE

  • WP 5. ToT on Countering Disinformation and Creating Positive Narratives: SEE THE EVENT DESCRIPTION HERE

  • WP 6. Onsite Mutual Learning and Capacity Building Workshop for the Transnational Network of Civic Activists: SEE THE EVENT DESCRIPTION HERE

  • WP 7. Citizen-led Local Action Plans: SEE THE EVENT DESCRIPTION HERE

  • WP. 8 MEGAPHONE Conference 2024 (on-site) SEE THE EVENT DESCRIPTION HERE

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