This Local Action implemented by the Czech Institut kariéry a rozvoje, z.s. (Karierko), and is a three-part animated video series on disinformation. The videos are thematically related to each other and provide a comprehensive introduction to the issue of fake news.

In the first part, the focus is on the places where young people most often encounter disinformation. Great emphasis is placed on examples that our target group is likely to have experienced. The aim of the first lesson is to show young people that disinformation concerns them and that they face it regularly in their day-to-day lives.

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In the second part, the techniques that can be used to detect disinformation are shown.

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The third part is then devoted to closing the topic and explaining why disinformation occurs in the first place and what its consequences are. Finally, tips on other projects and organizations that are active in media literacy issues and where young people can further their understanding and development are provided. The video lessons are published on YouTube and have a separate page on our website.

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All in all, positive impact on the target group of the project (young people) is expected in terms of understanding the issue of disinformation and accepting that disinformation is unfortunately becoming an integral part of our lives and that we need to be able to recognize it better. Karierko intends to continue to work with the video lessons and offer them to schools and the public as introductory lessons to open up the topic of disinformation with their target groups.

As a result, Karierko contacted 518 secondary schools across the country, as well as 470 subscribers, mainly students, with their dedicated newsletter. The organization also targeted 10 non-profit or student organizations, offering them the use of the video lectures and asking them to share them. Overall, Karierko reached 20,780 users through their social media posts, with 528 expressing interest and accessing their official website.

Amazing job, Karierko!