The “Project HOPE”  is Local Action Plan implemented by Ondrej Skrivanek and Tomas Krissak . The target group are Slovak students aged 12-18. The aim of this initiative was to create a Facebook page of at least 2000 followers, and help young people make social networking safer and more productive. The focus of the project is to inform the young internet and social media users, in order for them to better understand the possibilities of a safer and more productive use of online products e.g., the internet and social media. This has been achieved by creating genuinely fun and engaging content, and at the same time prevent them from becoming the target of the attacks from so-called internet trolls and other online bullies.  

As as result, a successful HOPE campaign was launched on social media, over 250 followers have joined at the initial launch phase, and the numbers are growing steadily. The ambition is to introduce the project in more than 150 schools in Slovakia, depending on the COVID-19-related school lockdowns etc.

Right now, over 3000 beneficiaries have been directly reached by the project, 2,500 of them indirectly (due to the pandemic). The overall reactions from target audiences are very positive and the target groups are effectively improving their attitudes and skills to adapt the techniques of positive engagement in digital space that led to the increased will and ability of countering disinformation. Lastly, the online game Projekt Hope is currently used by hundreds of users every month.

To find out more, check out:

OR play an interactive game about restoring peace in a disinformation-torn town: