In this video we tackle some common myths and misconceptions about cybersecurity, most often seen in small-to-medium businesses and organizations.

The main takeaways from the video:

Myth One: "Our industry doesn’t have any cyber threats"

  • There is no target small enough, or a certain set of devices, manufacturers or industries that are not interesting for hackers.

  • It is not a matter of “if” you will get hacked, but rather of “when” it will eventually happen. Why not be prepared?

Myth Two: "My organization is too small to be a target for cyber criminals"

  • Going after small and medium businesses might be considerably less rewarding (in the financial sense), but the risks associated with targeting them are way lower as well.

  • Adopt a mindset that will allow you and your company or organization to fully grow and develop while being conscientious about digital threats.

Myth Three: "Our office PCs/laptops are only being used for work-related tasks"

  • Even if this is truly the case, they can still be susceptible to hacking attempts, simply because of outdated software or hardware.

  • In some cases, it is the companies that provide us the software that get hacked, and we bear the consequences as well!

  • Cybersecurity today is everyone’s responsibility - and maintaining a healthy awareness and attitude towards cybersecurity – is the key to a safer digital presence.

▶️ Watch this video on our YouTube channel to find out more how to take your cybersecurity more seriously:

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Goce Arsovski (North Macedonia) is a cybersecurity consultant, author and Master Trainer. Focused on social engineering prevention & mitigation, Goce applies his subject-matter expertise in guiding organizations and high-risk individuals in establishing and maintaining a more secure digital presence. Goce is passionate about open data, transparency, and demystification & democratization of learning.

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