

Food – Disinformation Topic of Opportunity in N. Macedonia

One of the disinformation frontlines concerns food and its production. Its aim is to spread fabrications through these topics to support the Kremlin's “traditional” long-term disinformation narratives. These narratives are largely about the decadent West disregarding traditional values, the upcoming catastrophe, which is always around the corner, but never actually happens and caring more about the LGBTQ+ community than about the so-called traditional families.

Hive Mind | 4 min read | Jun 25, 2024

NIOK | 4 min read | Jun 4, 2024

Practical Tips from the Helsinki Commission for Civilian Targets of Character Assassination

A character assassin does not walk around with a knife or a gun, nor does he sneak around, but kicks down the door and attacks your honour and reputation, trying to destroy it at all costs. The end justifies the means. In fact, he doesn't work alone, but in a criminal organization. So he has many faces.

NIOK | 19 min read | Jun 3, 2024