As of May 5th, 2022, it has been estimated that over 5,7 million Ukrainians have been forced to seek safety abroad, with around 3 million gone to Poland, over 856,000 to Romania, about 491,000 to Slovakia, and over 452,000 to Moldova. The State’s support in helping the refugees is indispensable, but it has been the NGOs (and regular citizens) who have been carrying out much of the work up until now.

To find out more about what is the situation right now in the countries neighboring Ukraine, what are the current challenges, but also what has worked when it comes to helping refugees settle in new realities, watch a discussion with these amazing activists:

Learn more about changing needs of the refugees crossing the boarders, challenges related to finding accommodation, school for their children, or getting a job, but also listen to many incredible examples of how thanks to the help of activists, volunteers, and regular citizens, many find a measure of calm in this exceedingly demanding situation. Find out what limbo means in this context and what are the current needs of both the refugees as well as the activists supporting them, and why coordinated efforts are key for long-term solutions.

Watch the VIDEO RECORDING from the discussion here:

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