Welcome to Hive Mind

a learning space for activists, trainers, and organizations. We help civil society actors to build their digital resilience.


Hacking Creativity: Art, Disruption and Artivism for Digital Freedom feat. Tatiana Bazzichelli (Disruption Network Lab)


Data Literacy and Activism: Tools to Address Bias and Advance Inclusion feat. Kuba Piwowar

Data is all around us and with us, almost every moment of our life. In the digital age, we produce and use vast amounts of data. Does data mirror society and its complexity? Can the digital world offer hope for alternative solutions to inequality?

Expert of the week

Tytarenko Yaroslava

Term of the week


Tool of the week

Пропаганда, лажни наративи, дезинформации – штетните влијанија на Кремљ во С. Македонија, Зборник на медиумски написи

The collection "Propaganda, false narratives, misinformation - the damaging influence of the Kremlin in North Macedonia" includes a selection of public records based on a transparent methodological approach and fact-checking that refutes the central tenets of anti-democratic and populist propaganda.