[scroll down ⤵ for this text in Serbian]

This is the second video in a series of three, produced for us by one of our Serbian Media Literacy Experts and Master Trainers, a prolific Hive Mind Community Content Creator, Dajana Marković.

If you still don't care whether the piece of information you come across is true or false – it’s about time to change your approach.

On a daily basis, the media are bombarding us with different fake, and sometimes extremely disturbing, content. We don't really deserve to be treated like this, right?

As you usually seem to care about such things as which kind of petrol you will pour into your car at a petrol station, you should also care about the content you consume daily in the media and the consequences of reading or listening to fake news. They may affect your way of thinking, and in consequence, influence your decisions and actions.

In this short video, you will find out what fake news actually is, how it can influence us and what we can do to make a stance and start getting defended from it.
Let's go! :-)

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About the author:

Dajana Marković is an experienced journalist from Serbia, with a demonstrated history of working in the media production industry. She is a Media and Communication Professional with a degree from University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy, Media Studies.

Šta su lažne vesti?
Ovde možeš pronaći smernice za tvoj bolji medijski život. Da, svi mi imamo po jedan. U ovim videima čućeš jednostavna objašnjenja, dobiti neophodne savete i naposletku otvoriti oči i uši i konačno postati ekspert medijske pismenosti.

Ako ti još uvek nije važno da li je informacija tačna ili lažna – krajnje je vreme da promeniš svoj stav!
Mediji nas na dnevnom nivou bombarduju različitim lažnim i ekstremno uznemirujućim sadržajem. Mi nismo zaslužili ovakav tretman, zar ne?

Kao što brineš o tome kakvo ćeš gorivo sipati u svoj automobil, tako bi isto trebao brinuti kakve posledice donose lažne vesti, kao i da one mogu uticati na tvoj način razmišljanja, a čak i na proces donošenja odluka.
U ovom videu saznaćeš zašto nam je teško da se odbranimo od lažnih vesti i kako one utiču na nas.

Pa, vreme je da saznamo šta su zaista lažne vesti!