One of the key points addressed throughout the event was the threats, challenges, and opportunities for improving democracy in Latin America, especially in the digitalized world. Journalists, academic figures, activists, and social organizations presented tools, skills, and facilitated a space for conversation on these topics.

➡️ Here are some of the key takeaways from this event:

  • It is essential to continue prioritizing these necessary dialogues among different actors in society, rethinking the role of technology in strengthening processes of citizen participation, democracy, and the interpretation of shared information.

  • Media literacy within society is important, especially in understanding how information functions in the media and on social networks. Additionally, there is a need to promote critical consumption of content.

  • Participation of all residents should be encouraged, respecting diversities and differences as part of an equitable and equal process.

  • When conflicts of opinions arise, instead of generating polarization, we should seek to create collective agreements for mutual understanding of different viewpoints. This involves fostering spaces for assertive communication, active listening, and constructive dialogues.

  • Technology should be an ally in the processes of innovation in citizen participation, electoral processes, and online information monitoring. Among the tools at our disposal should be fact-checking websites. In Colombia, the organization responsible for this process is ColombiaCheck.

In conclusion, as civil society organizations, it is important for us to continue creating spaces for conversation about disinformation, polarization, and secure, verifiable information within the communities we work with.

➡️ Learn more about ways how to counter disinformation and strengthen democracy in our free online course:

Picture from FITS.ONG