Such a step is often referred to as a “digital detox” and its objective is to improve people’s mental well-being by limiting the time spent online, or in extreme cases, going fully offline for a certain period of time.

There are many reasons for an individual to start a “digital detox”. To begin with, you may simply wish to be more present in your everyday life or to have more social interactions with people in your life. Worldwide research has shown that the internet is one of the primary causes of stress among both children and adults.

When it comes to digital detox, you can set your own goals, meaning that you don’t have to completely give up on technology if you don’t wish to do so. Here are several steps which can help you in setting your boundaries:

1. Review your digital habits

Monitor the time you spend in front of your screens each day and identify which applications or activities take up the most of your time. This self-awareness will help you determine the areas for improvement.

2. Remain flexible

Be prepared to adjust your digital detox plan as necessary. It is alright to make exceptions for essential tasks or emergencies but do your best to stick to the plan and the previously determined objectives.

3. Limit the time spent on your phone

It is certainly more difficult to detach from technology in office spaces than in your private life, so you can instead reduce the time spent scrolling social networks after working hours.

4. Find a hobby that will separate you from your phone

Take up an activity you’ve always wanted to start. Going to the gym, practising art or writing are some suggestions which may boost your mood.

5. Turn off your phone at a specific time

When you know you will not be needing your phone, turn the device off or turn on the “do not disturb” setting. This may be in the early morning hours, after lunch, after dinner or any time when your phone use is not a priority.

6. Practice digital awareness

Practice digital awareness, by pausing before reaching for your device and asking yourself if checking your phone is a priority.

There are many benefits to digital detox. Reducing the time spent online contributes to lowered levels of stress, anxiety and depression. Stepping away from your digital devices will provide a break from the constant barrage of information and notifications. You will have more time to focus on the tasks that need completing, which leads to increased productivity and efficiency.

By minimizing your activities on e-mail, social networks, and other online offerings, you can fully dedicate your time to important projects and activities. Less time spent in front of a screen means more time for physical activities. Regardless of whether this means taking a walk, practicing yoga or recreational sports, a digital detox encourages individuals to prioritize movement and exercise, resulting in an improvement in physical and mental health.