

Hacking Creativity: Art, Disruption and Artivism for Digital Freedom feat. Tatiana Bazzichelli (Disruption Network Lab)

Hacking Creativity: Art, Disruption and Artivism for Digital Freedom feat. Tatiana Bazzichelli (Disruption Network Lab)

Hive Mind | 2 min read | Mar 6, 2025

The power of sound: listening, voicing, and activism feat. Edyta Jarząb

Resilience is about complexity; encompassing different layers of our existence—both as individuals and as groups. It’s often said that we live in a world dominated by sight. Surrounded by video content, images, and visuals, we invite you to shift your focus to another sense—the one we use to experience podcasts: hearing.

Hive Mind | 2 min read | Jan 17, 2025

Data Literacy and Activism: Tools to Address Bias and Advance Inclusion feat. Kuba Piwowar

Data is all around us and with us, almost every moment of our life. In the digital age, we produce and use vast amounts of data. Does data mirror society and its complexity? Can the digital world offer hope for alternative solutions to inequality?

Hive Mind | 2 min read | Nov 25, 2024

Digital Ecology 101: Climate, Activism, and Resilient Future feat. Joanna Murzyn

Imagine this moment but without the internet. It is impossible, as you are reading this online, right? Have you ever wondered what the “insides” of the internet look like? How is data stored and how is the internet transmitted? Or what consequences does it have for the environment?

Hive Mind | 2 min read | Oct 16, 2024

Bridging Values with Action: Hope-based Communications feat. Thomas Coombes

We live in multilayered, complicated, and complex times. The ambivalence and ambiguity of the world have never been so visible on a daily basis. Alongside growth, development, and positive societal changes, we also observe rising inequalities, human rights violations, and social problems.

Hive Mind | 3 min read | Sep 18, 2024

Layers of care. On activism burnout, stress, and tenderness in NGOs work feat. Natalia Sarata (RegenerAkcja)

Engaging in activism is both a rewarding and tough journey, requiring strong dedication and resilience to overcome obstacles. Beneath the passion for change lies a growing concern: the burnout.

Hive Mind | 2 min read | Mar 19, 2024

1% - The only Civilian Hungaricum

There is a Hungarian, civil concept that has reached Slovakia, Romania and even South Korea, which is the 1% model. This is the only form of direct control that taxpayers in this country have over how their taxes are spent. Which organisations are we happy to support? What does 1% mean for the NGO sector? What is the history of the 1% and what role has the NIOK Foundation played?

NIOK | 1 min read | Feb 29, 2024

You Are Expected to Be Well, Because You Can Only Help if You Are Well

Interview with Both Emőke in the NIOK30 civic leaders podcast series

NIOK | 1 min read | Feb 26, 2024

Voices of Climate Activism: Localized Solutions for Global Challenges feat. Wiktoria Jędroszkowiak (Wschód)

Climate change stands as one of the greatest challenges facing contemporary activism. This interdisciplinary, multi-level problem engages hundreds of thousands of activists and non-governmental organizations worldwide. In 2019, global climate movements such as Extinction Rebellion and Fridays For Future catalyzed a worldwide mobilization and unprecedented awareness of climate change. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic and armed conflicts in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip, the scope and significance of the climate fight have gained additional urgency.

Hive Mind | 2 min read | Feb 19, 2024

Civilians in the press - what opportunities do we have?

How can an NGO benefit from its relationship with the press? What should NGOs keep in mind when they appear in the newspaper or on TV? How much impact does what the press says about them have? Is the journalist even obliged to show the material before publishing it? Many similar questions can arise for an NGO when they are in the media or want to get more publicity for their cause. It is a long learning process, but fortunately young organisations can learn from more experienced ones

NIOK | 6 min read | Feb 8, 2024

NIOK | 6 min read | Jan 23, 2024

Beyond the Hype: AI Ethics, Digital Literacy and Community Impact

At the beginning of 2024, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is still trending. We observe new tools, upgrades, and public discourse focusing on the hyped generative AI. As most of the focus is being placed on the technological level, the ethical and societal contexts of AI use need more attention from the perspective of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs).

Hive Mind | 2 min read | Jan 22, 2024

NIOK | 8 min read | Jan 17, 2024

Bytes of Influence: Profiling, Privacy, and Social Media Evolution - feat. Katarzyna Szymielewicz

The field of social media is constantly changing. We observe them both as users, but also as citizens. Social media platforms are a tool for influencing consumer and civic decisions. We invited Katarzyna Szymielewicz (Panoptykon), a lawyer specializing in human rights and technology, to discuss how large platforms work, how they affect the functioning of individuals and groups, and what changes we can observe in the near future.

Hive Mind | 2 min read | Dec 5, 2023

Build connection online - How can an NGO stay visible?

For NGOs, face-to-face meetings are very important, but in most cases, it is still necessary to keep in touch with donors and reach new people online. In addition, virtuality is becoming an increasingly important part of our daily lives, which is why every organisation needs to find the right channels of communication. Once they have that, they need to make their issue visible through a likeable message.

NIOK | 4 min read | Oct 25, 2023

AI with Social Impact. Artificial Intelligence’s Role in NGO Empowerment - feat. Aleksandra Przegalińska

Hive Mind Community Podcast on the Benefits of Artificial Intelligence for NGOs and Civil Society Members (CSOs).

2 min read | Aug 28, 2023

You need a story - behind-the-scenes secrets of the best communication campaigns

One of the most recurring problems in the work of NGOs is how to get the message across. Often, developing an annual communications strategy can take up a lot of manpower and time, and a targeted campaign can be particularly challenging. But in almost all cases, coordinated and planned communication is essential to ensure the stable functioning of an NGO.

Bakonyi Anna | 3 min read | Jun 30, 2023