
Personal and Organizational Resilience

Personal and Organizational Resilience Online Self-Paced Course

Discover the Key to Personal and Organizational Resilience with Our Tailored Self-Paced Course for Activists and Leaders.Gain the knowledge and skills to remain connected, present, and strategically navigate through crises, ensuring a lasting impact and effecting change.This comprehensive course focuses on enhancing both individual well-being and organizational strategies. By enrolling, you will gain exclusive access to modules, exploring how to be present, strategic, and connected.

Countering Disinformation

Countering Disinformation

Do you know what disinformation is and what are the risks associated with it? How to counter it? Disinformation, being an old and powerful phenomenon, has become increasingly influential thanks to the use of social media and the speed with which it can be spread out to every corner of the world. Disinformation has challenged democracies, governments, education systems or civil society. Most recently, we can see how disinformation can instill fear about lifesaving vaccinations, as well as exploit tensions, create chaos and mistrust towards institutions, and individuals. In this course we will learn how to distinguish between various types of disinformation and avoid traps such as echo chambers, polarization or propaganda. Moreover, we will share with you the essential knowledge and tools to tackle disinformation more effectively, e.g., microtargeting and persuasive communication strategies, or how to build powerful stories and narratives. Finally, the ambition is that you will become aware and learn how to become resilient ‘when they come for you’. The course is designed to maximize learning at your own pace and time. Sit back, relax and give it a shot. When you finish the course, we encourage you to share it with your family, friends, colleagues, or your students.

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Building Positive Narratives

building positive narratives

Have you been recently shocked by an emotional story, which felt serious but irrational? No matter what the theme was: vaccinations, 5G, microchips, recent political issues - have similar stories come to your mind seconds later? When a narrative is created from a collection of stories, it can be used to spread conspiracy theories, campaign against migrants, LGBT+ communities, environmental activists or, on the contrary, counter harmful messaging and build trust towards a group or an organization.In this course you will learn how stories and narratives make disinformation popular and believable. You will learn how to counter dangerous beliefs and attitudes and understand social media features in favor of your narratives. You will have a chance to understand important terms and definitions regarding disinformation - both intentional and unintentional, manipulated content or harmful revenge. Through persuasion, a mapping technique, and essential story elements, you will learn how to reach specific audience and build a powerful story.Are you ready to start a successful campaign? Make most of our self-paced course to stop unwanted propaganda and disinformation or inspire new attitudes and positive alternative narratives.

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Think Twice: Media Literacy Online

media literacy

You consume information every day. From your friends, your Facebook and Twitter feed, your favorite YouTube show, and news outlets. How do you know that it’s true and accurate? Being media literate means the ability to recognize and avoid manipulations. No one is born media literate. Media literacy is a skill. You can develop it. Take this free course to get started!

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Digital Safety & Security


The online self-paced Digital Safety & Security (DSS) course is designed to provide an introduction to digital security basics. The goal of the course is to cover fundamental cyber security concepts, state surveillance, cyber-crime, as well as specific ways of how to model threats using a framework developed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation - EFF. Course Content Outline: What is Information Security? Information Security. Information Threats. Security Measure/CIA Element. Privacy & Security. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear? “Have I been pwned?” When to sacrifice your privacy?State Surveillance. Snowden revelations. Why does meta data matter? Types of state surveillance. Targeted surveillance. First Draft’s “Essential Guide”. Panoptic Surveillance. China’s “Credit Score” system. Surveillance capitalism. “Terms of Service. Didn’t Read”. Cyber-crime. Current GDP of other countries. Malware. Types of malware. What do you do to protect yourself from malware? Social Engineering. What can you do against social engineering? EFF’s “Essential Guide”: “Avoid Phishing Attacks”. Threat Modelling. Threat modelling framework. Next steps. Thinking holistically. Choosing security software. Trusted & untrusted software list. Using cyber security principles. Counter arguments. By completing it you will contribute to Civil Society empowerment and will be able to make safer choices!

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Digital Campaigning Basics

online campaigning

Created by experts with years of experience working for Greenpeace and MobLab, Hive Mind's Digital Campaigning Basics course covers core elements of a ‘people-powered’ campaign – a tool for mobilizing mass audiences to support activists causes. Based on real-life examples, you’ll also cover practical tools needed to create your own campaigns.Join the course and start creating memorable and effective digital campaigns!

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Open Data for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) Course

open data

Welcome to the Open Data for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) online self-paced course! The goal of the course is to equip civil society practitioners with up-to-date knowledge and skills essential for data analysis, creating data-based, digital campaigns, or measuring the effectiveness of the Internet-based interventions bringing about a positive social change. Enjoy the course and do remember to spread the word about your learning experience with your professional network!

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Online Campaigning | Part 1

online campaigning

What and why? New Power & Understanding the ChallengeNowadays, we all have access to tools to communicate what we care about, organize people around an important goal, and raise money for our activities. So we no longer need to wait for institutions to initiate and drive change. This course will guide you, step by step, through the process of designing your own “People-Powered Campaign”: a tool for mobilizing mass audiences to support activists' causes. The course consists of 4 parts and a quiz, created by the renowned Greenpeace and MobLab Collective experts.This introductory part of the course will broaden your understanding of the “New Power” and its impact on the possibility of positive change making. It will also give you the practical tools to deeply analyze the problem you’d like to solve, so you can be properly equipped to see the big picture and spot the best leverage point.Check out also next parts of the course: Part 2 - Who? Engagement Building & CommunicationPart 3 - How? Strategy & TacticsPart 4 - With what result? Testing & Measuring Final Quiz

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Online Campaigning | Part 2

online campaigning

Who? Engagement Building & CommunicationNowadays, we all have access to tools to communicate what we care about, organize people around an important goal, and raise money for our activities. So we no longer need to wait for institutions to initiate and drive change. This course will guide you, step by step, through the process of designing your own “People-Powered Campaign”: a tool for mobilizing mass audiences to support activists' causes. The course consists of 4 parts and a quiz, created by the renowned Greenpeace and MobLab Collective experts.“Online Campaigning | Part 2” will enhance your understanding of what makes people take action. You will learn how you can map beliefs, needs or challenges of the audience. Thanks to this, you will design more engaging, effective and appealing campaigns. In Part 2, you will learn: How to map out your allies and opponents using the spectrum of supportHow to mobilize the audience to take actionHow to engage the neutrals and transform the passives into your active supporters How to use the empathy map to create your support mapHow to use a “sensing” techniqueThe basics of storytelling as a tool to shape meaningful campaigns.Who is this course for? Activists who would like to enhance their digital impact and deepen supporters’ involvementComms people who want to update their knowledge and skills and harness the new power to improve their audience’s engagement and collaborationOrganizations aiming to rethink and redesign their campaigns in order to gain new supporters Everyone who is looking for more information on how to run their digital campaigns in a more participatory way Time Needed to Complete the Course:It takes ca. to complete one part of the course and ca. 2-3 hours for voluntary individual assignments If you missed the first part of the course, no worries! Click on the link below to register:Part 1 - What and why? New Power & Understanding the ChallengeCheck out also next parts of the course: Part 3 - How? Strategy & TacticsPart 4 - With what result? Testing & Measuring Final Quiz

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Online Campaigning | Part 3

online campaigning

How? Strategy & Tactics Nowadays, we all have access to tools to communicate what we care about, organize people around an important goal, and raise money for our activities. So we no longer need to wait for institutions to initiate and drive change. This course will guide you, step by step, through the process of designing your own “People-Powered Campaign”: a tool for mobilizing mass audiences to support activists' causes. The course consists of 4 parts and a quiz, created by the renowned Greenpeace and MobLab Collective experts.So, you have set your objectives and you know what you’d like to accomplish through online campaigning. You are aware of whom you have as your allies and opponents and you know their beliefs, needs and challenges they face. You have also mastered structuring the campaign content. You are now ready to start working on the details and focus on HOW you’re going to achieve your goal. This is what “Online Campaigning Part 3” is about. If you missed any of the previous parts, no worries! Click on the links below to register: Part 1 - What and why? New Power & Understanding the ChallengePart 2 - Who? Engagement Building & CommunicationCheck out also next parts of the course: Part 4 - With what result? Testing & Measuring Final Quiz

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Online Campaigning | Part 4

online campaigning

With what result? Testing & Measuring Nowadays, we all have access to tools to communicate what we care about, organize people around an important goal, and raise money for our activities. So we no longer need to wait for institutions to initiate and drive change. This course will guide you, step by step, through the process of designing your own “People-Powered Campaign”: a tool for mobilizing mass audiences to support activists' causes. The course consists of 4 parts and a quiz, created by the renowned Greenpeace and MobLab Collective experts. Our digital landscape is not fixed. New tools, or new ways of using these tools are constantly emerging. This part will help you craft your own plan on how to test and fine tune your campaign in order to achieve the best results. This is the last stretch of the planning process! You're now getting ready to launch your campaign and… scan for feedback and adapt! If you missed any of the previous parts, no worries! Click on the links below to register: Part 1 - What and why? New Power & Understanding the ChallengePart 2 - Who? Engagement Building & CommunicationPart 3 - How? Strategy & TacticsCheck out also the Final Quiz.

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Online Campaigning | Final Quiz

online campaigning

Nowadays, we all have access to tools to communicate what we care about, organize people around an important goal, and raise money for our activities. So we no longer need to wait for institutions to initiate and drive change. This course will guide you, step by step, through the process of designing your own “People-Powered Campaign”: a tool for mobilizing mass audiences to support activists' causes. The course consists of 4 parts and a quiz, created by the renowned Greenpeace and MobLab Collective experts.You can take this final quiz to recap the knowledge you’ve gained throughout the course in “Online Campaigning” and receive a certificate of completion. If you haven’t checked out the previous parts of the course, no worries! Click on the links below to register: Part 1 - What and why? New Power & Understanding the ChallengePart 2 - Who? Engagement Building & CommunicationPart 3 - How? Strategy & TacticsPart 4 - With what result? Testing & Measuring

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Online Campaigning | Part 2

online campaigning

Who? Engagement Building & CommunicationNowadays, we all have access to tools to communicate what we care about, organize people around an important goal, and raise money for our activities. So we no longer need to wait for institutions to initiate and drive change. This course will guide you, step by step, through the process of designing your own “People-Powered Campaign”: a tool for mobilizing mass audiences to support activists' causes. The course consists of 4 parts and a quiz, created by the renowned Greenpeace and MobLab Collective experts.“Online Campaigning | Part 2” will enhance your understanding of what makes people take action. You will learn how you can map beliefs, needs or challenges of the audience. Thanks to this, you will design more engaging, effective and appealing campaigns. In Part 2, you will learn: How to map out your allies and opponents using the spectrum of supportHow to mobilize the audience to take actionHow to engage the neutrals and transform the passives into your active supporters How to use the empathy map to create your support mapHow to use a “sensing” techniqueThe basics of storytelling as a tool to shape meaningful campaigns.Who is this course for? Activists who would like to enhance their digital impact and deepen supporters’ involvementComms people who want to update their knowledge and skills and harness the new power to improve their audience’s engagement and collaborationOrganizations aiming to rethink and redesign their campaigns in order to gain new supporters Everyone who is looking for more information on how to run their digital campaigns in a more participatory way Time Needed to Complete the Course:It takes ca. to complete one part of the course and ca. 2-3 hours for voluntary individual assignments If you missed the first part of the course, no worries! Click on the link below to register:Part 1 - What and why? New Power & Understanding the ChallengeCheck out also next parts of the course: Part 3 - How? Strategy & TacticsPart 4 - With what result? Testing & Measuring Final Quiz


Aicha Thiendella Fall

Depuis sa création en 2016 par l'Atlantic Council, le DFRLab dirige l'étude de l'écosystème mondial de l'information et des technologies qui le sous-tendent. Il collabore avec d'autres initiatives de l'Atlantic Council pour aborder les implications géopolitiques de la technologie, en fournissant des recherches et des outils clés pour relever les défis mondiaux et promouvoir leur avancement responsable. Son équipe diversifiée et engagée a excellé sur des questions telles que la désinformation, l'ingérence étrangère et la politique des plateformes, en combinant la recherche technique, les capacités de recherche de sources ouvertes et l'engagement politique pour construire des écosystèmes d'information plus sains qui protègent la démocratie et le droit des citoyens à une information fiable.


description of the trainer


Desde su creación en 2016 como parte del Atlantic Council, el DFRLab ha liderado el estudio del ecosistema global de información y las tecnologías que lo sustentan. Colabora con otras iniciativas del Atlantic Council para abordar las implicaciones geopolíticas de la tecnología, ofreciendo investigaciones y herramientas clave para enfrentar desafíos globales y promover su avance responsable. Su equipo diverso y comprometido ha destacado en temas como desinformación, interferencia extranjera y políticas de plataformas, combinando investigación técnica, capacidades de investigación de fuente abierta y compromiso político para construir ecosistemas de información más saludables que protejan la democracia y el derecho ciudadano a información confiable.

Hubert Sobecki

(he/him) For the past 10+ years Hubert has been working for Love Does Not Exclude Association, an LGBT+ rights NGO based in Warsaw, Poland. His main areas of expertise include strategic comms and social campaigning, community building and positive narratives, and storytelling. He developed and coordinated several nationwide campaigns on LGBT+ issues and oversees social media channels reaching an audience of up to 1 million people. For the past 5 years he has also been working as a trainer on comms and LGBT+ topics for non- and for-profit organisations.

Vitor Matheus

Convidado: Stefano Wrobleski é jornalista e historiador. Pós-graduado em Jornalismo Digital. Diretor executivo da InfoAmazonia, um meio de comunicação que usa dados, mapas e reportagens geolocalizadas para contar histórias sobre a maior floresta tropical contínua do planeta. Trabalhou na Internews como coordenador de geojornalismo da Earth Journalism Network e colaborou em projetos para a Amazônia. Como repórter, cobriu questões socioambientais e trabalhistas em diferentes veículos, com foco em dados.

Bardócz Iván

Mintegy 25 év újságírói, szerkesztői tapasztalatot szereztem nagy, közepes és kicsi szerkesztőségekben. Ismerem a civil világot: csaknem tíz éve dolgozom a Gyökerek és Szárnyak Alapítványnál, ahol többek között a szervezet kommunikációjával is foglalkozom.