Personal and Organisational Resilience


  • Keywords:
  • Countering Disinformation
  • Disinformation
  • Fact-checking
  • Resilience
  • Personal and Organisational Resilience
  • Digital Activism
  • OSINT (open-source intelligence)
  • Languages:
  • English
  • polski
  • English
Critical Thinking Methods and Tools for Distinguishing Facts from Fakes and DisinformationThis publication offers practical tools for recognizing disinformation and methods for practicing critical thinking. It provides guidance on identifying disinformation online and defending against it, while also enhancing skills in critically understanding content.The publication features insights from fact checkers and digital trolls.It is divided into four parts. The first part outlines six basic rules for verifying information to avoid falling into the trap of false content. The second part includes exercises to develop vigilance and critical thinking habits. The third part provides step-by-step instructions for spotting fake images and videos. The final part is a collection of websites, tools, and applications that assist in this work.
  • Keywords:
  • Digital Security
  • Disinformation
  • Personal and Organisational Resilience
  • Digital Activism
  • Communication
  • Productivity
  • Organizational resilience
  • Languages:
Webinar: Incident Management


How To Prepare For A Crisis? And How To Communicate About It?

Crises come in various forms, often unpredictable, and the organization's ability to ensure operational continuity, adaptability, and prevent reputational risks is directly tied to its preparedness. Staff members must be able to make quick decisions and implement crisis management strategies effectively. The readiness to adapt and respond promptly is crucial. In this article, we will outline steps for your organization to swiftly respond to a crisis and ensure that you are equipped with the knowledge to handle a crisis in a confident and professional manner.

Baltic Centre for Media Excellence | 10 min read | May 27, 2024

Join our training: Building Youth Resilience. What Works, What Doesn't, and How to Make a Difference. Warsaw, 4-6th June 2024

Let’s come together to learn on how to strengthen young people in being more resilient (online and offline) and improve their (as well as our own) wellbeing in the times of widespread disinformation, limited attention span and general information noise.

Hive Mind | 3 min read | Apr 29, 2024

War in Gaza, Part III: How to take care of yourself in times of disinformation?

A third piece by Karol Wilczyński on disinformation around the War in Gaza. This time the author gives some tips how to take care of your own digital well-being while digesting the news.

Karol Wilczyński | 6 min read | Apr 10, 2024

Cyber Security – Who Protects, What and Against Whom?

Although cyber security is not a new concept, discussed both publicly and in everyday life, its meaning has changed over time. Nowadays, the concept of cyber security covers an increasingly wide range of areas and is becoming more and more important, at a national and personal level. This is due to the rapid and all-encompassing development of new technologies, which are bringing many areas of life, including personal life, into the cyberspace.

Civic Resilience Initiative | 5 min read | Mar 26, 2024

How Not to Get Lost in the Digital Environment? Fundamentals of Media Literacy

We are living in times when there is much more information gathered, structured, created, and shared than ever before. Even the most cautious of us can fall for a fake ad. Today, technologies, social media and artificial intelligence tools can bring positive change to individuals and communities, but they can also destroy them. How can people protect themselves from misleading content? This series of four articles, produced in cooperation with the Baltic Media Centre of Excellence, will remind you of the basics of media literacy skills that you cannot do without in the digital environment.

Baltic Centre for Media Excellence | 6 min read | Dec 7, 2023

From Small-Talk to Deep Connection: Communication for Resilience

In a conflict situation, tension rises, hearts race, and blood boils. There is no need to meet in person anymore; a comment on Slack can cause the same reaction! It is impossible to stay calm in such moments; empathy is a distant memory. The art of selecting words thoughtfully and listening deeply to comprehend others' perspectives seems unattainable. Communicating effectively is crucial to resilience, and it is thus important to break down barriers that tend to prevent effective communication.

Anna Kuliberda | 4 min read | Nov 6, 2023

How Less Is More: Embracing Imperfections and Cultivating Resilience in Times of Crisis

During tough times, resilience becomes more than just a buzzword; it becomes vital to survival. Through the growth mindset, we can adapt to chaos by shifting our focus from unnecessary perfection to what truly sustains us. The more energy we conserve and the more we focus on what keeps us alive - both personally and professionally - the better equipped we are to handle any situation.

Anna Kuliberda | 2 min read | Nov 6, 2023

Thriving Together: How Building Connections Can Help You Navigate Any Crisis

In today's world of fragmentation and disconnect, it's easy to overlook the power of human connection. In spite of the chaos and noise, an undeniable truth remains: strong relationships are essential to our success as individuals and as a society. Through these connections, we find resilience in times of adversity, as well as in the face of global crises. Let's explore the profound impact of human connection on our well-being, and learn what it takes to thrive, not just survive.

Anna Kuliberda | 2 min read | Nov 6, 2023

The Effects of Drastic Image and Video Exposure and How to Avoid the Unnecessary Trauma - an Interview with Professor Mooli Lahad

Beata Zwierzyńska: Increasingly our world emerges through the lens of online reality, social media, streaming videos, image sharing by witnesses of events. How do drastic images influence? Perhaps, we are becoming more immune and indifferent to such content?

Beata Zwierzynska | 13 min read | Sep 25, 2023

Why Feeling Unproductive Could Signal Burnout

The number of activists who become burnt out as a result of their activism is growing. Individuals who suffer from burnout experience symptoms in various ways, depending on their circumstances and coping mechanisms.

Anna Kuliberda | 1 min read | Jul 4, 2023

Mediation in conflict resolution

Conflicts are an integral element of human interaction. At a certain stage, they arise in any group. Therefore, it is important to be able to work with them, and mediation is one of the effective methods to do so.

GURT Resource Center | 5 min read | Jun 10, 2023

Gender aspects of leadership

Gender stereotypes still exist! And they don't just happen here and there – they are also very stable in certain environments. The topic of women’s leadership continues to be debated, which means that we still have many questions in this area.

GURT Resource Center | 5 min read | May 19, 2023

Authority or authoritarianism? What are the types of leadership?

Who is a leader? Is he/she someone gives orders for others to obey and who others are afraid to contradict? Is a leader someone who knows how to convince the team that they are right? Or maybe a leader is someone who want to follow and to let the team lead?

GURT Resource Center | 5 min read | Apr 28, 2023

What to do if I or my team lack the energy to be productive?

This practical guide outlines an approach to restoring energy and productivity for both individuals and teams during times of crisis. It offers actionable strategies and techniques to help reignite motivation and drive performance. Let us begin with the most essential, yet underrated solution for anyone who lacks energy: rest! Rest is the most underrated remedy for stress that we have at our disposal.

Anna Kuliberda | 7 min read | Apr 21, 2023

The Transition from Emotional Inaccessibility to Emotional Professionalism

Making organization resilient through emotion-conscious leadership.

Anna Kuliberda | 9 min read | Apr 19, 2023

Partner Spotlight Series: GURT Resource Center

The GURT Resource Center is an innovative accelerator of democratic transformations. Since 1995, GURT is committed to capitalizing on the potential of changemakers for the benefit of Ukraine. GURT’s head office is located in Kyiv, but their team works remotely throughout Ukraine.

Hive Mind | 1 min read | Feb 16, 2023